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鐵達尼號迷你影集Titanic 2012 首播日期:2012 03 21(加拿大)    1912年的四月   號稱史上最大的郵輪誕生了 卻很快的沉沒了大海 除非你是火星來的 不然你應該知道這戲的劇情是在講什麼   電視劇著重的是劇情演譯 成本當然比不上動輒幾十億的大製作場面 有興趣的朋友可以看看 電視劇與電影有何不同 共四集(2012 04 15劇終)中文視頻片段:                                         演員資訊: Hugh, Earl of Manton (Linus Roache) Louisa, Countess of Manton (Geraldine Somerville) Lady Georgiana Grex (Perdita Weeks) Barnes (Lee Ross) Watson (Lyndsey Marshal) Paolo Sandrini (Glen Blackhall) Mario Sandrini (Antonio Magro) Annie Desmond (Jenna Louise Coleman) John Batley (Toby Jones) Muriel Batley (Maria Doyle Kennedy) Jim Maloney (Peter McDonald) Mary Maloney (Ruth Bradley) Peter Lubov (Dragos Bucur) Grace Rushton (Celia Imrie) Harry Widener* (Noah Reid) Thomas Andrews* (Stephen Campbell Moore) Bruce Ismay* (James Wilby) Lord Pirrie* (Timothy West) John Jacob Astor* (Miles Richardson) Benjamin Guggenheim* (David Eisner) and Madame Aubart* (Joséphine de La Baume) Dorothy Gibson* (Sophie Winkleman) Margaret ‘Molly’ Brown* (Linda Kash) Bessie Allison* (Olivia Darnley) Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon* (Simon Paisley Day) (Sylvestra Le Touzel) Captain Smith* (David Calder) Chief Officer Wilde* (Will Keen) First Officer Murdoch* (Brian McCardie) Second Officer Lightoller* (Steven Waddington) Fifth Officer Lowe* (Ifan Meredith)  

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