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The Man with the Twisted Lip是福爾摩斯系列裡的一集,中文叫歪嘴的人,身為一個偵探迷的我,看到偵探小說的英文廣播劇當然要給它用力聽下去,然而事情不是憨人想的那麼簡單,華生的口音到底發生了什麼事,整個福爾摩斯系列的音頻真的很難聽懂啊,為這集寫個心得的原因是,在最初聽鴨子聽雷的情況下,終於在多聽幾次聽出了這個故事的全貌,本來想放棄這個福爾摩斯系列的我,可以好好把其他集也聽完了 (灑花) !! 這個故事大致上就是一個太太尋找失蹤的先生,然後在夏洛克福爾摩斯的幫助下,發現了神奇的真相,我後來還查了維基百科中文和英文版,發現內容確實和我聽的差不多,有興趣聽的人也可以參考一下, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_with_the_Twisted_Lip 為什麼我不直接聽美國的PODCAST鍛練我的聽力,主要是現實世界的英文真的充滿了口音,不可能永遠是清楚的美音,所以聽著這樣的英文廣播劇感覺真的磨到了耳朵,感覺下次CONCALL應該可以攻克!   順便補上英文版的維基解說 The story begins when a friend of Dr. Watson's wife comes to Baker Street, frantic because her husband has gone missing and has become addicted to opium. Watson helps her pull him out of an opium den and sends him home. Watson is surprised to find that Sherlock is there too, in disguise, trying to get information to solve a different case about a man who has disappeared. Watson stays to listen to Holmes tell the story of the case of Neville St. Clair.

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