3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

今晚來到了位於東區的「榕」酒吧, 這間氣氛好,還有live bank, 調酒也好喝,很適合和朋友小聚。 週六、週日和假日每人500元低消, 其他日子則是1杯飲料低消。 網址: https://www.roncafebar.com/ 地址: 臺北市信義區基隆路二段12號 電話: +886-2-2720-0026 營業時間:  週一至週六 12:00 - 03:00 / 週日:18:00 - 02:00     榕這間酒吧(The bar called “ron xinyi”) 人生最開心的事就是和朋友東聊西聊。 我們選擇了「榕」這家酒吧來享受美好的星期五夜晚。 我們在浪漫的酒吧裡享受美食和喝上美美的調酒。 而且還有現場樂團的音樂可以聆聽。 看看這間酒吧美麗的裝湟吧! One of my happiest thing in life is to hang out with my friends. We choose to enjoy wonderful Friday night at the bar “ ron xinyi” . We feel so good to taste yummy food and have cocktails at such a romantic bar. Besides, the music of live bank is really awesome. Here is the beautiful interior decoration of this bar. 松露野菇燉飯(Mushroom Cream Risotto) 我的餐點名字聽起來很高級。 成份裡有松露醬、野菇、帕瑪森起司和培根。 相當美味。 我很快完食XD The name of the meal that I chose sounds high-class! 😊 The meal ingredients includes mushroom, Truffle sauce, Parmesan and bacon. It tastes good. I finishes it so fast! 美麗的調酒(Cocktail) 這杯是我朋友替我挑選的,因為我有點晚到了, 酒精濃度最淡的那種,口味偏甜,很好入口! 照片上看起來真的超美的! Actually, I do not know the name of this cocktail. My friend ordered this for me because I am kind of late. But I like it because it tastes sweet, not bitter. And this cocktail looks so pretty in the photo. 台北101( Taipei 101) 台北101是世界有最高大樓之一,位於台北東區, 也是台北有名地標和觀光景點。 看看照片,台北101真的很美吧! Taipei 101 is one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world and located in the East District of Taipei city It also is a famous tourist attraction and landmark in Taiwan. You can see the beauty of this building from the photo. 非經同意請勿轉載 本文連結: https://wonderfulme111.pixnet.net/blog/post/38046898 by 開掛人生

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