3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

  故事大意 這是個有很趣的童話故事,說著這世界上人們住在一個大屋子裡,而彼此間建造了四道牆,這四道牆分別是自私、貪婪、貧窮及冷漠,當代表這四道牆的角色分別覺醒時,這世界人與人間所有的隔閡將不再存在,每個人都因此而快樂了起來,我覺得是個很美好簡單的故事,聽完還滿溫暖的。 這個故事很簡單,配樂有趣,單字不多,很容易聽懂。 文字稿連結 http://www.genericradio.com/show/2HTGZEB6AVK   相關英文單字片語摘錄 ☑Only people lose track of that fact sometimes. 失去...的線索 ☑Can't you tell them to put in windows 加進 ☑We'll try to get over this wall first熬過 ☑serve dinner 準備晚餐 ☑pipe down【口】安靜; 閉嘴 ☑feel, look/ have + a wreck感覺到要垮了 I hadn't slept for two days, and I felt a complete physical wreck. ☑bust up關係結束 They busted up last year. ☑shut the door in his face! 當他的面 ☑Who's that with you? 和你在一起的是誰? ☑don't track the carpet留下足跡 ☑Stay away from my playthings! 供玩耍的東西;玩具 ☑you helped a girl finish out the term 完成學期 ☑You have some mittens連指手套;(女性用)露指長手套 ☑You're just stingy.吝嗇的,小氣的 ☑I've come to call on you拜訪 ☑you're very impudent厚顏無恥的;放肆的;無禮的 ☑I'll be hanged if... 我絕不會…;讓…見鬼去吧 I'll be hanged if I'm going to clean up after him! 我才不會跟在他後面整理他弄亂的東西呢! ☑Stop that racket! n.喧嚷,吵鬧聲 ☑she scrubs in a big office building downtown. 用力擦洗;揉;擦掉;擦亮 ☑It looks pretty weather-beaten to me. 飽經風霜的;(臉等)曬黑的 ☑You bet your life你說得對! ☑You don't think I have any heart ailment n.病痛;(尤指輕微的)疾病 ☑my heart is fit as a fiddle and so is yours. 非常健康 ☑I must be anemic!貧血的 ☑I look all thin and haggard and wrinkled! 憔悴的,形容枯槁的;發狂似的 ☑can't you think of something besides your make-believe aches and pains for a while?!假裝的 ☑There's a terrible draft! 通風;氣流 ☑you spend your time grumbling over what you wanted to be instead of making good at the job you have. vi.抱怨,發牢騷[(+at/about/over)] ☑Good Will speaks to every race and creed and color. 信條;信念,主義, ☑A tyrant in your home who rules with tears. 暴君 非經同意請勿轉載 本文連結 https://wonderfulme111.pixnet.net/blog/post/29679652 BY開掛人生

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