3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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保持幸福在於你的初心。stay in happy marriage with your first love  Never hide you into the mind and fading away with the thoughts , we all need the body and the reality life. we are alive , right? maybe you want to get the strength from the other way of the world.yeap, it is indeed exits.but you need to realize that you are a human being in the earth. yes, you are in the earth .and those beings is out of the earth ,we need spend some time and money to be alive and  be healthy to go there.the beautiful exitense is so awesome, but the life is so reality ,we could make meditation sometimes, but we need to make money sometimes .money could buy the foods. at least , you need the friends who have enough mony and they are happy to offer you to do something like that.right ? Do not stay in the illusion . we all should be waked up all the time.rembermer Jesus told us ? stay vigilant to pray .那天去看師父,字畫在柱上。《華嚴經》偈頌:「菩薩清涼月,常遊畢竟空;眾生心垢淨,菩提月現前」。有時候,喜歡靈修或修行的人常常不小心就陷入了虛空之中。那種感覺就像年輕人嗑藥吸毒或成年人失意狂歡時飲酒行淫。乍時間是快樂,甚至是高潮似的以為飛上九宵雲外?但醉意一過,身體承受的壓力就化為酸痛噁心全湧上來了。男女魚水之歡或情欲一過,走出那不見真實對方的黑暗,看見光日就刺眼難耐,現實的摧逼就如同烈焰灼身,讓人痛苦難耐。如果這些令你沈溺的不來自智慧,而是因為逃避把你逼進這樣的洞穴,讓你誤以為回到母胞有安全感。那你出山穴後要承受的就更加讓你難受。但你要能了解,這暫時的休息是虛幻的。你可以休息,但也不會害怕離開。這樣你才能真正的戰勝現實。這世界太髒了,沒有一塊是淨土。但若你的心是淨土,那就處處是淨土。不是你不愛了,是你忘了原來怎麼愛的。愛,需要常常練習。(author文:蘇珊susanmh38,同名商品products有line貼圖和電子書唷。) 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Chang Susan(@susanmh38_mercy)分享的貼文

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