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請訂閱!給個讚,按分享吧。 line:https://pse.is/U4K5W donate:https://pse.is/x3drx author:www.changsusan.com Copyright belongs to the original author. . 蘇珊奶奶/別用愛之名勒索別人 . 真不想談這個話題。但實在是心有同感。「奉獻」這個詞在宗教界,特別是基督教很常拿來制約信徒,甚至以道德綁架。讓很多信仰不是很明白的人會因此離教。如果一個人給你工作,但告訴你必須把薪水也給他們一些?我對聖經不熟,但猶記得來自聖經教導的兩個真理。「耶穌來這世上是成全律法的。」我想應該包括勞基法。「捐得樂意是神所喜悅的。」回捐薪水?那和回扣有什麼不同呢? . 和你分享小確幸。 請按這:https://pse.is/U4K5W Copyright belongs to the original author 一切都很美好!多的就分享,陪人走一段。 . . susangrandma/Don't blackmail others in the name of love . I really don't want to talk about this topic. But I really feel the same. The word "donation" is often used in religious circles, especially in Christianity, to restrict believers and even kidnap them with morals. it makes many believers will give up their faith . if a person gives you a job, but ask you must give him back some salary? is it right? not familiar with the Bible, but I still remember two truths taught by the Bible. "Jesus came to this world to fulfill the law." I think it should include the Law of labor . "God will be delight if we donate by our will." Donating your salary back? How is that different from rebates? . Be happy , okay? @www.changsusan.com  everything will be okay.I am here 歡迎社群分享。cmh原創禁改編節錄複製。 ..就「圖」你快樂:https://pse.is/U4K5W. #拒絕道德綁架 #別勒索信徒 #小心愛之名 #人都需要錢 #掙錢要正當 #makemoneycleanway #neverkidnaplove #nooneshouldbekidnap #getoffofmysalary #給朋友力量 #陪伴就是愛 #susangrandma #蘇奶奶的話 . line上你了,快樂下載中:https://pse.is/U4K5W . 歡迎社群分享。cmh原創禁改編節錄複製。more post , FB@susangrandma . welcome share to your line or facebook , now. This article cmh is original and it is forbidden to edit and copy excerpts. @www.changsusan.com .

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