3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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請訂閱!給個讚,按分享吧。 line:https://pse.is/U4K5W donate:https://pse.is/x3drx author:www.changsusan.com Copyright belongs to the original author. . 蘇珊/享受等待愛人的時光 . 一個人很好。當我們走在繁華的街市中,燈光愈五彩繽紛,內心卻更加寂竂。身旁有很多聲音夾雜其中,而我們只有一對耳朵。什麼都要聽,就聽不清楚,愈聽心愈亂。當我們只聽那個時而溫柔勸慰、時而嚴肅告誡的聲音時,心中的紛亂思緒就如雪花飄落。慢慢地,雪停了。雖然仍然是一片白景亳無顏色,感受到是刺骨的冷。可是,我卻開始為這片難得一見的美景微笑。當春天來了,它就融化了。我不會刻意去追求它,但在此刻,我感謝它的存在,讓我想起溫暖的光。聽說,春光終究還是會來的!我在這等他。 . 一切都很美好!多的就分享,陪人走一段。 Copyright belongs to the original author. .. 有種小確幸,想和你分享。 請按這:https://pse.is/U4K5W . . susan/Enjoy the time of waiting love coming back . A person is fine. When we walked in the street or market with loudly sounds .the lights became more colorful, but our hearts became anxi. There are many kinds of sounds around us, and we only have a pair of ears. If you have to listen to everything, you will not hear clearly, and the more you listen, the more confused you will become. When we only listen to sometimes gentle and comforting voices, sometimes serious admonitions, the chaotic thoughts in our hearts falling down like snowflakes. after a while , the snow stopped. Although it is still a white scene with no color, it feels so cold. However, I began to smile for this rare beauty. when spring comes , it will  be melted. I will not deliberately pursue it, but at this moment, I am grateful for its existence, which reminds me of the warm light of him. I heard that spring will finally come! I am waiting for him here. . Be happy , okay? @www.changsusan.com  everything will be okay.I am here. . .就「圖」你快樂:https://pse.is/U4K5W. #愛情是甜美 #但不要空等 #justdosomething #loveiscoming #nevergiveup #keepgoing #iamhereforyou #給朋友力量 #陪伴就是愛 #susangrandma #蘇奶奶的話 . more post , FB@susangrandma line上你了,快樂下載中:https://pse.is/U4K5W . 歡迎社群分享。本文cmh原創,禁改編節錄複製。welcome share to your line or facebook , now. This article cmh is original and it is forbidden to edit and copy excerpts. @www.changsusan.com .

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