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請訂閱!給個讚,按分享吧。 line:https://pse.is/U4K5W donate:https://pse.is/x3drx author:changsusan.com Copyright belongs to the original author. . 蘇珊/錯過了就平安迴轉 . 有一場很扯的車禍。一輛開得很牛步的機車,撞上了一輛超慢的汽車?不是放慢腳步就可以安全。原來,他們都只依「自己的心意走(偏行己路)」直接在不該迴轉地方轉了,也撞了。迴轉!必須到對的地方,老實的走一段路,再老實的迴轉才能回到原來的目的地。知道走錯路,這是好事。終於不會白耗油了。可是,必須守法才能平安轉回來,不是嗎?不該做的事就是不能做。朋友,別急!買前試車是一回事。但光試車不買車又是另一回事。車子永遠屬於真心買它的人。擁有總是必須付點代價。 . 一切都很美好!多的就分享,陪人走一段。 Copyright belongs to the original author. . 有種小確幸,想和你分享。 請按這:https://pse.is/U4K5W . . susan/If you miss it, please return safely . There was a very funny car accident. A slowly motocycle crashed into a super slow car? actully , they should be safe without slowing down. but they "did all turn according to their own minds not the rule of traffic" .if you want to turn around! go to the right way and driving a certain distance honestly, and then return to the right goal. It's a good thing to know that we are on the wrong way . and we could save the oil. but obay the rule , okay? do the right thing ! make a test drive before you buy the car is one thing. But only trying a car is another matter. car belong to who really buys it. Ownership always has to pay a price. . Be happy , okay? @www.changsusan.com  everything will be okay.I am here. ...就「圖」你快樂:https://pse.is/U4K5W. #做錯不是絕症 #死不認錯才是癌 #平安是對的那個 #認罪悔改有新生 #老實做人感動天 #returntome #peacefrist #dotherightthing #desnity #給朋友力量 #陪伴就是愛 #susangrandma #蘇奶奶的話 . more post , FB@susangrandma line上你了,快樂下載中:https://pse.is/U4K5W . 歡迎社群分享。本文cmh原創,禁改編節錄複製。welcome share to your line or facebook , now. This article cmh is original and it is forbidden to edit and copy excerpts. @www.changsusan.com .

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