3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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請訂閱!給個讚,按分享吧。 line:https://pse.is/U4K5W donate:https://pse.is/x3drx author:www.changsusan.comFB:@susangrandma  Copyright belongs to the original author. . 蘇珊奶奶/生命是平等的 . 除非是神,沒有人知道下一秒會發生什麼事。約爾牧師有一個笑話。真是大膽,竟然吃魔鬼的豆腐?他說有個老婆婆每天都感謝主!她的鄰居恨死她的「堅定信仰」。於是,決定羞辱她。在她門前放了一籃水果。老婆婆一開門看見水果就喊「感謝主!」鄰居不懷好意出來笑她。「嘿!那是我送妳的。妳要感謝我。」老婆婆更開心的說:「感謝主,讓魔鬼送來水果給我吃。」人,不要為反對而反對,害不了別人反而付代價!(www.changsusan.com) . 和你分享小確幸。 請按這:https://pse.is/U4K5W Copyright belongs to the original author 一切都很美好!多的就分享,陪人走一段。 . . susangrandma/life is equal . Unless it is a god, no one knows what will happen in the next second. Pastor Joel told a joke. How bold fool around the devil? an old woman thanks the Lord every day! Her neighbor hated her "firm belief." he decided to humiliate her. A basket of fruit was placed in front of her door. As soon as the old woman opened the door and saw the fruit, she shouted "Thanks the Lord!" The neighbor came out to laugh at her maliciously. "Hey! I gave it to you. You have to thank me." The old woman said happily, "Thanks the Lord, let the devil send me fruit to eat." People, don't oppose for objection just for it, that will make you  pay for it when you want harm others !(www.changsusan.com) . Be happy , okay? https://pse.is/x3drx 愛是分享不是控制。您給出去的總會加倍回來。 歡迎社群分享。cmh原創禁改編節錄複製。 ..就「圖」你快樂:https://pse.is/U4K5W. #behappy #laughat #fruit #gift #禮物不是武器 #嘲笑 #給朋友力量 #陪伴就是愛 #susangrandma #蘇奶奶的話 . line上你了,快樂下載中:https://pse.is/U4K5W . 歡迎社群分享。cmh原創禁改編節錄複製。more post , FB@susangrandma . welcome share to your line or facebook , now. This article cmh is original and it is forbidden to edit and copy excerpts. @www.changsusan.com .

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