3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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請訂閱!給個讚,按分享吧。 line:https://pse.is/U4K5W donate:https://pse.is/x3drx author:changsusan.com Copyright belongs to the original author. . 蘇珊/為每一片小雲感謝 . 曾經有過很久很久沒再見過雨了嗎?土地已經乾旱裂開了,就像一張一張向天哭嚎的嘴?我們生命中是否也有過這樣的旱災呢?好久沒有雨了,生命枯乾到一個地步,讓人生無可戀嗎?不,我們要學著相信!相信未來一定會好起來的。看見了嗎?天上有一朵小小雲飄過去了,讓我們為這一片小雲慶祝感恩吧。有個男人他和被醫生宣告無救的女兒,一起禱告,每當有一點點進步,他們就為那一個進步感恩、快樂!然後,忘了有多久,被宣告死刑的女兒重新站起來了,傷口好了。若沒人說起那段傷心的過去,沒有人知道他們曾經被命運放進一個灸熱難耐的苦爐中。幸好,天空又下雨了。 . 一切都很美好!多的就分享,陪人走一段。 Copyright belongs to the original author. .. 有種小確幸,想和你分享,請按這:https://pse.is/U4K5W . . susan/thanks for every little cloud . Hasn't it rained for a long time? The earth is so dry, like many mouth are crying to the sky? Have we experienced such a drought in our lives? It has been raining, has life been exhausted to the point of unbearable? No, we must learn to believe the hope! I believe that the future will be better. Did you see that? A small cloud in the sky has passed just now. Let us celebrate and be grateful for this little cloud,okay? A man prayed with his daughter who was declared desperate by the doctor. As long as a little progress is made, they always were satisfied and happy with the progress made! Then, forgot that how long it took , the daughter sentenced to death stood up again and the wound healed. If no one talked about the tragic past, no one would know that they were cruelly treated by fate. Fortunately, the sky is raining again. .. more post here , I want to share with you, please click here: www.changsusan.com . .歡迎社群分享。本文cmh原創,禁改編節錄複製。welcome share to your line or facebook , now. This article cmh is original and it is forbidden to edit and copy excerpts... #現在是暫時 #痛苦會過去 #過去是教訓 #未來是希望 #活在當下吧 #看看好消息 #慶祝小驚喜 #成功要來了 #給朋友力量 #陪伴就是愛 #susangrandma #蘇奶奶的話 .. 就「圖」你快樂:https://pse.is/U4K5W .

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