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美國 Apple 公司全新設計的 2013 年 Mac Pro 電腦,即將在今年 12 月上市,售價 $2,999 美元起。今天 Apple 公司寄送了 Mac Pro 宣傳海報給一些媒體記者,文案開頭第一句提到「這部電腦是蘋果瘋狂的製作」 'The Computer We Were Insane to Build'。 It`s the computer we were insane to build. The one that turns conventional thinking on its head, then kicks the living $#&% out of it. We challenged all our assumptions. Abandoned our preconceptions. And blew away limitation after limitation. This is the new Mac Pro. It's like no Mac we've created before. And we can't wait to see what you create with it. *如要轉載請把下面文字一起帶走,謝謝* ⓒ來源:愛瘋日報 ⓒ作者:BrianFang ⓒ標題:2013 Mac Pro 官方宣傳海報欣賞 ⓒ連結:www.iphonetaiwan.org/2013/10/2013-mac-pro.html

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