3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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【推薦本文原因】 你是否曾經也有這種經驗,在國外旅行時遇到感覺上不錯的對象,想要進一步跟對方認識,卻是愛在心裡口難開,一句話都講不出來?甚至不敢向對方搭話?這時候你就會痛恨自己居然沒有學好英文,喜歡的對象近在咫尺,錯過就可惜了,然後自己英文卡卡怕出糗。今日今天整理了一些搭訕技巧以及英文的常用句型,讓你可以應付自如,贏得對方的心 ❤️    一、1分鐘單字速速記 Vocabulary gal (n.) 女孩(俚語) flirty (adj.) 輕佻的/曖昧的 to pick someone up (phrs. v.) 搭訕別人 pick-up line (n.) 撩人金句 tactic (n.) 戰術 to hit on someone (phrs. v.) 跟某人搭訕 anonymity (n.) 匿名 confidentiality (n.) 保密 to strike up a conversation (phrs. v.) 開啟話題 faded jeans (n.) 褪色牛仔褲 pseudonyms (n.) 假名 to get/ give butterflies [in one’s stomach] (idiom) 心裡有小鹿亂撞 flattered (adj.) 受寵若驚    二、技巧與策略 Tactics & Strategies For research purposes, WUWOW’s Medium team went around the office to ask both guys andgals whether they’ve ever hit on a stranger before. Our survey was simple with only 3 questions: 1) have you ever picked anyone up?  2) what are some of your pick-up lines?  3) what are some strategies or tactics you can suggest?  To protect the anonymity and confidentiality of those we interviewed, we’ve replaced their real names with pseudonyms. 為了研究,WUWOW Medium組問了辦公室的帥哥美女們是否有跟陌生人搭訕的經驗。我們的調查只有三個簡單的問題: 1)你有搭訕過別人嗎? 2)你搭訕別人都會講啥? 3)你有什麼技巧跟策略可以給大家建議的呢?為了保護匿名者以及其保密性,下列的故事我們將以假名來描述。 Mr. Patiently Waiting 耐心等待先生 “I am not a flirty guy to begin with, and I used to find it terrifying to talk to strangers, let alone show my interest in them, but I’ve grown to face my fears and get out of my comfort zone. I told myself that I’ve got nothing to lose, but definitely nothing to gain if I don’t try. My main strategies are staying focused and patient. There was a really cute girl who used to work at a coffee shop and to get her attention, I would try and visit the shop every day, ordering the same, complicated drink. After a few visits, I could tell she remembered and recognized me as soon as I walked in the door. When I felt the timing was right, I struck up a conversation beyond the usual “I’ll have a tall chai latte with skimmed milk and a dash of cinnamon.” I went on and added things like, “I bet you know what I was going to order, eh?” It wasn’t long before we exchanged contact information.” 「先說,我不是個輕佻的人,而且以前我覺得跟陌生人講話很恐怖,更別說要我表達對他們的興趣了,但如今我已經成長許多,並且能夠勇於面對我的恐懼,突破舒適圈了。我告訴我自己,我沒有什麼好失去的,但若什麼都不試,就一定什麼都得不到。 我的策略就是專心跟耐心。之前在咖啡廳有個超可愛的女孩,我試著每天都去點一樣的複雜的飲料(就是要求特多的那種)來引起她的注意。一段時間後,我發現她有記得我,並且會在我踏入店裡就認出來。 當我覺得時機成熟時,除了我平常會說的“我想點大杯的印度香料奶茶加上脫脂牛奶以及一點點肉桂粉。”以外,我就趁機開啟話題來認識她。我順接了一句“我猜妳應該知道我要點啥了吧?”我們不久之後就交換了聯絡方式。」 Ms. Now or Never 要不就現在小姐 “One of the bravest things I’ve ever done was going up to this guy on the train. I don’t normally do things like this but as he walked by me on the train that morning, he really took my breath away, you know? He was pretty tall, had headphones on, wore faded jeans and nodded his head to the beat of his music. There was just something about him. He wasn’t just good looking, but there was something about his aura. I’ve always been really outgoing and talking to strangers was never a problem, but there was something about him that gave me the butterflies… I had 11 more stops before I had to get off, 11 more stops before I had to say goodbye to this gorgeous human being, so at the 7th stop, I gathered all my courage and walked up to this guy. Oh, thank goodness there weren’t a lot of people that morning! So anyways, I literally just said, ‘Hi, I’ve been wanting to talk to you since you got on the train. I am getting off in 4 stops and I don’t want to seem creepy but I would really love to get to know you more.’ Unfortunately, it wasn’t a fairytale ending. He politely rejected me, ‘Oh wow, thanks, I’m flattered, but, uh… I have a girlfriend.’ Needless to say, it was awkward for me but he was so nice and told me he really appreciates girls with guts. It wasn’t how I wanted things to go, but at least I tried and I’ve never regretted it.” 「在火車上跟這傢伙搭訕是我這輩子最勇敢的一次了。我通常不會做這樣的事情但是那天早上他在火車上經過我的時候,他真的讓我驚艷到忘了呼吸,你懂那個感覺嗎?他還蠻高的,戴著耳機,穿著刷白的牛仔褲然後輕輕的隨著音樂點著頭。 對我來說 那是一種說不上的特別。他不只是小鮮肉而已,他就像是有光環的樣子(我整個超花癡的)。我一直以來都是很外向不害怕跟陌生人講話的人,但是看到他的時候竟然讓我小鹿亂撞! 離我下車還有十一站的距離就必須跟這位神秘人物說再見了,所以我在第七站的時候提起我所有的勇氣走過去。 噢,感謝老天爺那早上人沒有很多!總之,我真的直接說“嗨,從你上車以來我就想來跟你講話,我再四站就要下車了,我不想要讓你覺得我很奇怪,但我希望可以多認識你一點。”很遺憾的,這並不是一個童話故事的結局。 他禮貌地回絕了我:“噢哇,感謝,我有點受寵若驚,但...我有女朋友了。”不用多說,當下我超尷尬,但是他人很好的告訴我說他很欣賞我這種很勇敢有勇氣的女孩子。雖然結局不如同我想像但是至少我試過了而且我不會後悔。」 Ms. Batting Eyes 拋媚眼小姐 “I’m not very experienced at picking up guys, but if there’s a guy I’m interested in at a bar or club, I’ll allow him to catch me looking at him and look away. Usually, if the guy is interested, they’ll come over. Not really sure if this counts as a pick-up strategy, though!” 「我搭訕不是hen有經驗,但如果我有在酒吧或是俱樂部看到有興趣的帥哥,我會讓一直對他輕輕地拋眉眼,讓他知道我在看他,然後再看別的地方。通常如果那男的對我有興趣,他就會過來。我也不知道這算不算搭訕的招式。」 Mr. I-like-you-and-you-know-it 妳知道我喜歡妳先生 “I like to keep things classy and show girls that chivalry ain’t dead. I’ll be on my best behavior, open doors, pull out chairs, and all. And I have no problem telling them right away that I’m attracted to them! I find that this is just a more efficient use of both of our time, if one isn’t feeling the vibe, then we can both move on. None of that play-hard-to-get crap.” 「我喜歡讓女孩們覺得騎士精神永在。我會主動開門、拉椅子之類的行為來證明。然後我會很直接告訴她我對她有興趣或是我喜歡她。我發現這樣對雙方來說都比較不會浪費時間,如果其中一方沒有感覺,那我們就各自繼續自己的道路。我不喜歡欲擒故縱的遊戲。」 Mr. Cheesy-tacky-but-oh-so-classy 俗氣又經典先生 “I’m not great looking and it’s not like I have a lot to offer, but my sense of humor has always helped me in my relationships and meeting new people. I’ll bust out all the old, out-of-date, cheesy pick-up lines, the girls will laugh and call me tacky, but it’s a great conversation opener. No matter how tacky the lines are, with the right attitude, some girls still appreciate the timelessness of these pick-up lines.” 「我長的不怎麼樣也沒有什麼厲害背景,但我的幽默感總是可以在感情中幫助我,以及認識新朋友。 我會三不五時用那些老掉牙又俗氣的套路,女孩們會笑我老派但我覺得這是很好開啟話題的一招。不管那些套路有多鳥,態度對的話,有些女孩還是會欣賞這些經典的搭訕金句的。」    三、經典(老派)搭訕語句 Classic (old-fashioned) Pick-up Lines For entertainment purposes, we’ve listed out a few classic (but really, old-fashioned) pick-up lines. We (ages 25–35, female and male) rated these on a scale of 1–10 (1 = acceptable cheesy, 10 = do-not-ever-use-this cheesy). Remember, these lines used to work back in the days, so who knows, maybe it’s about time we bring [some of] them back! 為了搏君一笑,我們(25-35歲的男女)找出一些經典(但真的蠻老派)的搭訕金句。我們設了一個從一到十的評分標準(1=能接受,10=也太噁心了吧)。記得,這些話在很久以前都很有用,誰知道,搞不好這就是我們復古的最好時機! 1.I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours? Gals: 6.6 Guys: 5 2.Do I know you? ’Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend. Gals: 7.6 Guys: 7 3.Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend/girlfriend material? Gals: 4.8 Guys: 5.67 4.I’m lost. Can you give me directions to your heart? Gals: 9.2 Guys: 4 5.Are you sure you’re not tired? You’ve been running through my mind all day. Gals: 7.8 Guys: 4.33 6.Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel? Gals: 7.6 Guys: 4.67 7.There’s only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name. Gals: 9.4 Guys: 6.67 8.Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again? Gals: 5.2 Guys: 6 9.Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right? Gals: 5.4 Guys: 7.33 10.Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven? Gals: 6.2 Guys: 3 11.Can I follow you home? ’Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams. Gals: 5.9 Guys: 4.67 12.Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for. Gals: 6.8 Guys: 3 14.Do you have a pencil? ’Cause I want to erase your past and write our future. Gals: 5.6 Guys: 5 15.Somebody call the cops, because it’s got to be illegal to look that good! Gals: 9.6 Guys: 7.67 16.Hello. Cupid called. He wants to tell you that he needs my heart back. Gals: 8.2 Guys: 4.33 The findings of our research showed us a couple of things: 1) our coworkers aren’t the boring individuals we thought they were, and 2) it doesn’t matter whether you’re a guy or gal, sometimes it just takes an ounce of courage to step out of your comfort zone to approach someone you’re interested in. What do you have to lose? 從我們的調查中我們得知了以下幾點: 1)我們同事沒有我們想像中那麼無趣: 2)不論男生女生,有很多時候你只需要一盎司的勇氣,就可以讓你走出舒適圈並認識你想認識的人。你有什麼好失去的呢?   六書堂數位學習 Medium    文章由【六書堂數位學習】授權提供今日使用,原文文章標題為【「在國外遇見心儀對象?成功搭訕的必勝語句!】,版權歸【六書堂數位學習】所有,欲轉載請聯繫原發布單位,經今日彙集整理,部分內容為今日創作,未經授權不得轉載。圖片來源:pexels 今日Summary 這些搭訕技巧都學會了嗎?是不是覺得自己的搭訕技術又升級了呢!本次教得都是很實用的英文句子,希望你學起來後,都可以變得非常會講英文,可以向心儀的對象表白!    【職場英文】「Do you understand?」為何會讓別人覺得很失禮? 必學的問路英文句型,出國旅行不再擔心英文卡卡! 8個好用線上英語學習工具推薦,讓你英文自學超方便    今日訊息邀請你加入台灣最大的 自我成長戰鬥俱樂部社團,每週將定期提供知識懶人包、自我成長模板!不想錯過成長的機會嗎?現在就加入吧!共同成為生活CEO   點選加入社團:成長戰鬥俱樂部|The Power of Self-Development   今日訊息邀請你加入行銷人裂變戰鬥社團,每週定期提供行銷知識懶人包,並提供行銷人一個交流的空間,發揮的舞台,打造專屬於行銷人的交流戰鬥營,本版也希望大家可以利用這個環境分享、發問與獲得解答,在行銷的領域更深入學習成長。歡迎邀請行銷人加入! ▌此社團可以...... ▷ 行銷人交流、問答 ▷ 獲得各式行銷懶人包 ▷ 歡迎自媒體、行銷案例、社群、Chatbot聊天機器人討論 點選加入社團:行銷人裂變戰鬥營|Marketing & Growth Hacking Community     點選下方按鈕申請註冊今日會員,即可獲得EXCEL/PPT/Word 免費模板,電子商務、會員經營、社群趨勢報告 之後今日也會定期提供更多精華報告懶人包模板,以及各種免費電子書,趕緊也邀請更多好友加入吧! 免費註冊今日會員    

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