3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【推薦本文原因】 你知道怎麼跟外國人介紹你念的科系嗎?加退選課又要怎麼說?快看這篇,盤點你在校園中會用到的英文大集合!在國外念書,剛開學時要辦理的事物很多。尤其是加退選課的時候,更是容易讓人手足無措!今天將教你在校園中,最有機會使用到的英文會話有哪些,讓你在校園中無往不利! 分三大部分循序學習,讓你不只記得單字,還能將單字套用到句子中靈活運用!   3分鐘單字速速記 Vocabulary academic (adj.) 學術的 to enroll (v.) 註冊 compulsory (adj.) 必修的 to kick something off (phrs. v.) 開始(討論或活動) to catch up with someone (phrs. v.) 敘舊 to catch up on something (phrs. v.) 趕某東西的進度 dang (adj. exclamation informal) 該死,討厭(表示氣惱) in a flash (phrs.) 轉瞬間,刹那間 to veg out (phrs. v. informal) 放鬆;耍廢 semester (n.) 學期 credit (n.) 學分 backpack (v.) 背包旅行、自助旅行 to blow one’s savings (phrs. v.) 花掉了(某人)的所有存款 barely (adv.) 僅;剛好 probation (n.) (學生的)觀察期 to get down to business (phrs. v.) 進入狀況 extracurricular (adj.) 課外的 dropout (n.) 退學者 course load (n.) 課程負荷 to try out for something (phrs. v.) 參加(運動隊的)選拔 varsity (n.) 學校運動隊 to drop a course (phrs. v.) 退選課程 elective (adj.) 選舉的;可以選擇的 swim meet (n.) 游泳比賽 nerd (n. informal) 書呆子 to fast track (phrs. v.) 快速通過 to major in something (phrs. v.) 主修某科目 double E (or EE, abbreviation for electrical engineering) 電子工程系 campus (n.) 校園 roomie (n. informal) 室友 quad (quadruple) (adj.) 四倍的;四個人的;以四相乘的 dorm (dormitory) (n.) 宿舍 communal (adj.) 公共的 to splurge (v.) 亂花(錢);揮霍(尤指購買奢侈品) suite (n.) 套房   常用句型與情境對話 Common Phrases & Scenario Application Ready or not, it’s time to face the music and get prepared for another academic year. Make sure to register for your classes on time and enroll in all your compulsory courses! We’ve got a few sentences and phrases about going back to school that you can use to catch up with some old faces. We hope these will help you kick the new school year off with some positive vibes! 準備好了嗎?是時候面對現實,為另外一個學年做準備了。你要確保有準時登記課程和註冊你所有的必修課程喔!我們有一些跟開學相關的句子和片語讓你使用與老朋友敘舊。希望這些可以幫助你在新的一個學年有好的開始。 Catching Up with Schoolmates 與同學敘舊 A: Dang, it’s back to school again, huh! 討厭!又要開學了! B: Ya, summer went by in a flash! 嗯啊,暑假一轉眼就過了! A: Well, not really for me because I vegged out on my couch all summer. Did you do anything interesting? 恩,對我來說不完全是,因為我整個暑假都在我的沙發上耍廢。你有做些什麼有趣的事嗎? B: I went backpacking in Egypt and blew all my savings. But it was worth it. 我花了所有存款去埃及自助旅行,但很值得! Talking about Courses 討論課程 A: How many courses are you taking this semester? 你這學期有拿幾堂課呀? B: I’m taking 6, need to catch up on my credits. Played too hard in my freshman year, I’m paying for it now… 我有六堂,我需要趕一下學分的進度。我大一玩太兇了,我現在要付出代價… A: Did you fail any class? 你有被當任何課嗎? B: No, but I barely passed a few. I’m on probation this semester so I really need to get down to business and stay focused. I don’t want to be a dropout! 沒有,但我只有剛剛好的通過一些。我這學期在觀察期,所以我需要趕快進入狀況然後保持專注。我不想被退學! Discussing Extracurricular Activities 討論課外活動 A: Are you joining any clubs this year? 你今年有想參加哪個社團嗎? B: Depends on my course load, but I really want to try out for the varsity swim team. If I make it, I may need to drop an elective course to commit to the swim meets and practice. What about you? 取決於我的課程負荷量,但我很想要參加游泳校隊的選拔。如果我選上了,我可能需要退選一堂選修課才有時間去練習跟比賽。你呢? A: I’m just going to be a nerd and take as many courses as I can. I’m trying to fast track a bit and see if I can graduate a semester early. 我要當一個書呆子,能上多少課就上多少課。我想試著快速通過,看能不能提早一學期畢業。 B: What’s the rush? And aren’t you majoring in double E? 幹嘛這麼趕?還有,你不是主修電子工程的嗎? Moving to Campus 搬到校園 A: How many roomies do you have? 你有幾個室友? B: 3… I’m in a quad room in one of the first-year dorms. Communal bathrooms are the worst… You? 3個…我住一年級宿舍裡的四人房。公共廁所真的很可怕…你呢? A: My parents splurged and signed me up for a suite. I share a bathroom, kitchen and living area with just one other roommate. 我家人花大錢幫我註冊一間套房。我只需要跟一位室友共用廁所、廚房跟客廳空間。 B: … I hate you. 我恨你…   問答題 Practice Questions Practice answering the questions below with a friend or on your own using the vocabulary from today’s article. Send your responses to [email protected] along with your summer pictures for a special surprise! 就有好禮等待喔! 來練習以下的問答題吧!記得要用今天所學到的單字喔!把你們的答案跟暑假照寄到 [email protected] 就有好禮等待喔! 1. What did you do over the summer? 你暑假時做了甚麼? 2. How do you get ready for going back to school? 開學你要怎麼準備呢? 3. What courses will you be taking this year? Will you participate in any extracurricular activities? 你今年要上哪些課呢?你會參加任何課外活動嗎? Submission Deadline: September 30th (Monday), 2019 交件期限:2019年9月30日(禮拜一)   文章由【WUWOW英文學習部落格】授權提供今日使用,原文文章標題為【快開學了!盤點校園常見英文大集合 — 課程用語篇】,版權歸【WUWOW英文學習部落格】所有,欲轉載請聯繫原發布單位,經今日彙集整理,部分內容為今日創作,未經授權不得轉載。圖片來源:Unsplash 今日Summary 點擊即可跳到該主題上哦! 35個英文單字 常用句型&情境對話 課後練習   快開學了!盤點校園常見英文大集合 — 課程用語篇 未來式文法:7個未來式英文文法,輕鬆辨別英文時態! 正確的英文學習方法讓你事半功倍!教你學好英文的三個方法   今日訊息邀請你加入台灣最大的 自我成長戰鬥俱樂部社團,每週將定期提供知識懶人包、自我成長模板!不想錯過成長的機會嗎?現在就加入吧!共同成為生活CEO   點選加入社團:成長戰鬥俱樂部|The Power of Self-Development   今日訊息邀請你加入行銷人裂變戰鬥社團,每週定期提供行銷知識懶人包,並提供行銷人一個交流的空間,發揮的舞台,打造專屬於行銷人的交流戰鬥營,本版也希望大家可以利用這個環境分享、發問與獲得解答,在行銷的領域更深入學習成長。歡迎邀請行銷人加入! ▌此社團可以...... ▷ 行銷人交流、問答 ▷ 獲得各式行銷懶人包 ▷ 歡迎自媒體、行銷案例、社群、Chatbot聊天機器人討論 點選加入社團:行銷人裂變戰鬥營|Marketing & Growth Hacking Community     點選下方按鈕申請註冊今日會員,即可獲得EXCEL/PPT/Word 免費模板,電子商務、會員經營、社群趨勢報告 之後今日也會定期提供更多精華報告懶人包模板,以及各種免費電子書,趕緊也邀請更多好友加入吧! 免費註冊今日會員    

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