3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

photo/ Chanel關於風格”Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.“(時尚是一種在衣服裡創造出來詮釋現實的語言。)“A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul.” (一個得體的外表總能有效引起別人對於探究你靈魂感的興趣。)“Black-and-white always looks modern, whatever that word means. ”(黑與白看起來就是「modern」,管它這個字是什麼意思。)"I think that for both women and men fashion is the healthiest motivation for losing weight." (不管是男人或女人,時尚都是減肥最健康的動機。)關於處事態度“When I was a child I asked my mother what homosexuality was about and she said -  'It's like hair color. It's nothing. Some people are blond and some people have dark hair. It's not a subject.” (在我還很小的時候,我曾經問母親,「什麼是同志?」,那時候她說,就像是頭髮的顏色,那沒什麼大不了的,有人金頭髮,有人深色頭髮,那都不是重點。)"When I do something, I do it 100 per cent. I’m a professional killer."(當我要做一件事,我會做到百分之一百,我簡直是專業級殺手。)“I am not a second option person. It is that or nothing. If it is not the way I see it I prefer not to see it. ”(我無法接受次等選項,要這個就是這個,不然就是不要,如果不是我想要的那樣子,我寧願不要看到它。)“I am like a TV antenna. I catch everything that is in the air, and then I do it my way.”(我就像是一個電視天線,我抓住空氣裡的一切,然後用我的方式來處理它們。)“Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there's nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.”(不要犧牲太多你自己,因為如果你犧牲太多,你就沒有剩下的可以給了,也不會有人在乎你。)”Personality begins where comparison ends.”(比較結束的時候,就是個性展現的開始。)關於工作“What I love best in life is new starts.” (這個世上我最愛的莫過於一個新的開始。)"When I was very young, at the beginning in my business was to work more than the other to show them their pointlessness."(當我年輕剛開始我的事業時,我努力做得比別人都多,只是為了讓他們看自己做的東西有多沒意義。)"I’m never happy. I’m in a permanent state of dissatisfaction."(我從不快樂,我處在一個永恆的不滿足狀態。)“I'm born with a pencil in my hand. I did lots of sketching. ”(我是帶著鉛筆出生的孩子,所以我畫了很多的素描)"There is one thing I love on earth: to learn."(這個世界上有一件事是我喜歡的,那就是學習)  延伸閱讀>>卡爾對貓的愛意延伸閱讀>>卡爾的完美主義延伸閱讀>>卡爾感情生活延伸閱讀>>卡爾風格名言延伸閱讀>>卡爾美容癖好延伸閱讀>>卡爾的時尚簡史延伸閱讀>>要求完美的卡爾延伸閱讀>>這場香奈兒秀,卡爾缺席了延伸閱讀>>「我從不緬懷過去」延伸閱讀>>老佛爺與Fendi延伸閱讀>>老佛爺貓咪與植村秀聯名延伸閱讀>>卡爾出過的香水延伸閱讀>>曾經的老佛爺芭比延伸閱讀:● 卡爾拉格斐無極限寵愛貓Choupette:搭私人飛機、專屬女傭照顧、使用全球第一把Dyson吹風機...● 火箭、機場、旋轉木馬...打造無數驚奇秀場!回顧老佛爺卡爾經手的CHANEL大秀,究竟還有誰能超越【本文由Marie Claire美麗佳人提供,未經授權,請勿轉載!】

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