3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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回首迪士尼和皮克斯工作室胡作推出的動畫《玩具總動員》,自1995年上映至今,以4集溫馨又感人的劇情,陪伴我們走過24個年頭。每一集中都有不少令人動容台詞,以下就盤點1~4集的金句,快一起重溫這些暖心又催淚的時刻。「重要的是我們一路互相扶持。」The important thing is that we stick together「飛向宇宙,浩瀚無垠!」To infinity and beyond!「對這世界來說,你可能只是某人,但對某人來說,你可能是他的全世界。」To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world.「胡迪之所以特別,是因為他永遠不會放棄你,無論發生什麼事,他都會在你身邊。」But the thing that makes Woody special, is he’ll never give up on you…ever. He’ll be there for you, no matter what.「我不能阻止安迪長大,但我絕對不會缺席。」I can’t stop Andy from growing up… But I wouldn’t miss it for the world.「胡迪曾冒險救過我,如果我不願做相同的事情,就不能自稱是他的朋友。」Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn’t call myself his friend if I wasn’t willing to do the same.「好的士兵從不拋下任何人。」A good soldier never leaves a man behind.「只要你從底層做起、任勞任怨,這裡的生活總有一天會夢想成真。」If you start at the bottom, pay your dues, life here can be a dream come true「嘿,聽著,沒有人能取代我們。」Hey, listen, no ones getting replaced.「別因它的結束而哭泣,要為它曾經發生過而微笑。」Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. 「雖然我很堅強,但有時候,我還是需要有人握住我的手跟我說:『一切都會很好的』。」I’m a strong person, but every now and then I also need someone to take my hand and say everything will be okay.「你拯救了我們,我們會永遠感激你。」You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.「離開你的人越來越多,所以留下的人才更加重要。」As more and more people leave you, the more and more important those who remain become.「一切都會好起來的。」Everything's Going To Be Okay.「我是你的好朋友,當遇到了麻煩,我們就一起面對吧!沒有我不能為你做的事情。即便歲月流逝,我們的友誼將永在。」You've got a friend in me.You got troubles, then I got them too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you.And as the years go by, Our friendship will never die.延伸閱讀:迪士尼鐵粉必朝聖「玩具總動員咖啡廳」!比人還高的胡迪、巴斯光年在頂樓等妳,期間限定只到10月底《玩具總動員4》居家小物太可愛!聯名HOLA推11項用品,火腿豬玩偶會講話、超萌三眼怪煎鍋全想帶回家《玩具總動員4》超療癒周邊商品來了!15吋三眼怪夜燈、轉轉貼圖USB、熊抱哥藍芽自拍器...全都想打包啊延伸閱讀:● 韓國BL劇極品《好久不見》 殺手間的男男禁戀,要性命還是愛情?● 迪士尼《花木蘭》真人版電影上映時間曝光!劉亦菲神還原1998年海報、武打戲帥翻,網友崩潰:還我木須龍【本文由Marie Claire美麗佳人提供,未經授權,請勿轉載!】

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