3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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苦修會讓感官受約束而感受到活著的不容易,但無法讓我們擺脫苦難。It is not easy to get a sense of restraint and know how to live, but it cannot make us get off the misery. . 【從學琴找人生幸福奧秘】 . 悉達多在苦修時,聽到老樂師對徒弟說:「弦繃得太緊會斷,太鬆又不成調。」,他剎時了悟:「原來不必堅持苦修。」When Siddhartha worked hard, he heard the old musician tell the apprentice: "The strings are too tight, they will break, they are too loose and they can't make music ." He suddenly realized: "There is no need to stick to the end with working hard." . 圖翻攝網路 . 現在回想,早在將近幾年前,就不斷有意念,和聲音透過我的嘴對我說:「妳讀聖經也好,讀佛經也好,不讀也好。」「妳不用禁食,也不用讀經。」唯一要求是,不住的禱告,親近祂。Looking back now, as early as a few years ago, I kept thinking and talking to myself through my mouth: "Reading the Bible is good, reading Buddhist scriptures is good , too . not reading is okay." "You don't have to fast for a long time, but also The only requirement is to pray and get close to him. 曾經我以為那是不好的引導。如今,發現是我的愚痴和驕傲阻擋我前進嗎?I used to think that it was a bad guide. Today, is it my ignorance and pride that prevents me from advancing? 我一直在宣揚耶穌和悉達多的悔改之道頓悟人生奧秘。卻無視聲音的啟示!I have been proclaiming the mystery of life with the repentance of Jesus and Siddhartha. However, I ignore the inspiration of the sound! 我不用苦修來證明我有虔誠?我有多誠心?有多屬靈?我試著用行為稱義,讓自己用沈重的苦修來彎腰低頭,向自己證明我很謙卑?卻不知道那是另一種驕傲!故意謙虛,是種虛偽。故意不在乎,是種逃避。I don't have to work hard to prove my piety? How sincere are we? What is the spiritual faith? I tried to prove that my behavior was correct, let myself bend down before him by heavily rules. and prove to myself that I am very modest. I don't know if this is another kind of pride! Deliberate modesty is a hypocrisy. Deliberately don't care, this is an escape. 只有存在知道我,我只要活出愛,不用刻意去找愛。愛,在心中。如果我說愛,愛就成為我。如果我做愛,愛就成為我。如果我全心全力全意在愛中,我所有一切就都是愛。Only when you know me, I live for love, not deliberately looking for love. Love, from the heart. If I say love, love becomes me. If I doing by love , love becomes me. If I love with all my heart, everything is love. 凡進入我愛中的也會成為愛!Everyone who enters my love will become love!(文/張夢芯) 蘇珊抱抱(Blog)▶ susanmh38.com 版權聲明(FB)▶ @susanmh38 ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 請分享給朋友 插圖(繪:蘇珊)▲ https://pse.is/PZKQW The third party copyright is referred to the original author. If you need to remove it, please write to us。第三方內容版權歸原作者,不推薦背書。如需移除請來函。喜歡內崁內容,請購買原創作品。

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