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上帝,感謝讚美祢,透過巴頓將軍的禱告,讓我知道無論再剛強大膽的人,如何有能力的人,都要歸榮耀給神,都要時時禱告求祢的保守和智慧。再怎麼特立獨行的言行,都要定睛在祢。因為我無論在哪,祢都看著我,引導我,我要尋求祢,必能找到祢。 . 過去的我已經和主耶穌一起釘死在十架上,如今的我已和主耶穌基督重新再活。主耶穌為我而死,我以後的人生要為主耶穌基督而活。願祢多多吸引我,幫助我更多的禱告,更多的認識祢,認識真理,認識生命,走祢的道路。奉主耶穌聖名禱告,阿門。 . 圖翻攝網路youtube . God, thank You for praising You. Through the prayers of General Patton, let me know that no matter how strong and courageous people, no matter how powerful people, will glorify God, and pray for Your conservatism and wisdom at all times.  No matter how independent the words and deeds, we must keep our eyes on them.  Because no matter where I am, You look at me and guide me. If I seek you, I will find you. . I used to be crucified on the cross with the Lord Jesus, and now I have lived again with the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord Jesus died for me, and my future life will live for the Lord Jesus Christ.  May you attract me more, help me to pray more, to know more about You, to know the truth, to know life, and to follow Your path.  Pray in the holy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen(文/張夢芯) 抖內蘇珊抱抱▶ susanmh38.com 版權聲明▶ FB@susanmh38 ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 請分享給朋友 插圖▲ 蘇珊line貼圖 更多蘇珊小故事▶ https://pse.is/RD2UU 讀墨蘇珊電子書▶ https://pse.is/JMGS3 PUBU蘇珊電子書▶ https://pse.is/KD46A Kindle蘇珊電子書▶ https://pse.is/L35N3 Google蘇珊電子書▶ https://pse.is/L3TT9 The third party copyright is referred to the original author. If you need to remove it, please write to us。

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