3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Transtep Technology 龍雲數位整合 因應現今智慧手機與平板電腦等的普及,與其相關的雲端運算、物聯網與大數據等新科技之興起,零售業的商業模式也逐漸改變中。此設計案的業主:龍雲數位科技,即為這個變遷中的世代提供了購物型態的變更:現代物聯網智慧販賣機。透過雲端進行數位看板的管理,可傳輸產品銷售及營運分析,也可隨時檢視設備即時狀態與銷售報表,方便隨時調整販售的商品。也因為快速得知實際的銷售狀況,而其機器銷售展示點是否具快速變更的能力也就非常重要!基於這樣的概念,上研設計團隊構思了如同『拼貼地板』的概念,利用制式化的板塊依照不同的環境,可以隨時改變拼貼設置的方式,甚至構建成小吧台、桌、椅......等,讓智能機器快速替換的同時也能擁有可換式造景。 The widespread adoption ofsmartphones and tablets has stimulated the development of Cloud Computing, The Internet of Things and Big Data. The business model of retail store is gradually changing.  TranstepTechnology Group, the client of this deign project, has provided a new way of shopping in this rapidly changing generation - smart vendor machine of The Internet of Things. Management of digital signage through Cloud Computing can transform product sales and operation analysis. Business owner can check the equipment status and sales report instantly and adjust products for sales with ease. Since it is easy to know the actual sales situation, it is essential for the display of the vendor machine to change swiftly.Based on this concept, T.A.K. design team has come up with the idea of “puzzle floor mat”. The formulated floor mats can change the way they are structured, even building countertops, tables and chairs…etc. The smart vendor machine can change the products it sells and also changes its display area. 辦公室設計可以讓你有效利用空間   創新工作場所的一個好處是利用空間來提高工作效率和員工滿意度。有效利用空間的辦公場所,這樣的工作場所有足夠的空間讓 員工隨意四處走動。應該有自然光線和戶外景觀。應該有員工可以在小型團體和大型會議室私下討論的地方。 #台北市辦公室裝潢公司#台北市辦公室裝潢廠商

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