3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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針對昨(9)日世衛衛生組織WHO幹事長譚德塞在日內瓦記者會的發言,除了總統和外交部的官方迅速回覆以外,從昨天開始網路上瘋傳一支由台灣女孩錄製的「An Open Letter to Dr Tedros 一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信」的影音,點看突破1百萬人次,吸引大家的眼球。紛紛好奇這1位英語流利、說話內容鏗鏘有力、不卑不亢的女孩子到底是誰? 林薇:譚德塞用不實資訊指控台灣,籲台灣人理性溫柔反擊 林薇:譚德塞用不實資訊指控台灣,籲台灣人理性溫柔反擊 原來,這1位引起全球關注的台灣女孩是醫界組織台灣世衛外交協會的青年代表,同時也是傳染病醫學生林薇。林薇在影片中表示,譚德塞用不實資訊指控台灣,籲台灣人理性溫柔反擊。 來自羅東的林薇,目前就讀英國愛丁堡大學主修傳染病學,曾經是模擬聯合國會議主席。林薇在影片中提到,網路上現在有許多要求辭去世衛幹事長職務的連署,但這些都不是基於種族、膚色、甚至針對非洲人民的歧視。她表示,世衛近日才舉辦了以疫情假資訊為題的線上研討會,譚德塞身為世衛幹事長,卻在國際記者會上帶頭用種族歧視的不實資訊指控台灣,這個行為不但盡顯諷刺,更是對台灣造成嚴重的傷害。 林薇在臉書表示,她看了譚德塞發言「氣到睡不著」,花了整個晚上做影片。同時也在臉書上提醒大家,台灣人可以生氣、可以溫柔的反擊,但切記不可用歧視性與挑釁的語言,反而讓有心之人有機會將我們引入圈套。 【An Open Letter to Dr Tedros 一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信】全文(取材自林薇臉書) This is an open letter to Dr Tedros, the Director General of the WHO, in response to the accusations against Taiwan during the 8th of April WHO press conference. 這是一封致予世界衛生組織幹事長譚德塞博士的公開信,並針對其於4/8世衛記者會上對臺灣的公開指控,提出回應。 Dear Dr Tedros, I am Vivi Lin from Taiwan, a current undergraduate student studying Infectious Diseases in the UK. 親愛的譚德塞博士, 我是Vivi Lin,一位目前正在英國念傳染病的臺灣大學生。 Upon hearing your response in the press conference today, I was utterly shocked and saddened that such misleading allegations could come from a supposedly respected health professional and the head of the world’s most influential international health organisation. 今天在聽聞您,作為現今世界上最具影響力的醫衛組織(WHO)的領導人,於世衛記者會上提出針對臺灣的不實指控,我深感錯愕及失望。 As a student who has been working closely with Taiwanese and British Medical and Health-related NGOs, I can affirm that there has never been any disrespectful comments from our government and our diplomats towards you and the African continent due to race, culture or skin colour. 身為一名在臺灣及英國的多個醫衛非政府組織服務的學生,我可以肯定地說,臺灣官方從未針對您及非洲人民,做出任何基於種族、文化或膚色的負面評論。 I am aware that there are various petitions online urging for your resignation from the WHO. However, none of the requests or criticisms were based on discriminations against your race or skin colour, nor people from the African continent. 我知道現在網路上有許多要求您辭去世衛幹事長職務的連署,但這些要求,都並非基於您的種族、膚色,或是針對非洲人民的歧視。 Taiwan has been striving to contribute as much as possible to the international community and to be a part of the global team in combating this pandemic. Although we have been excluded from the WHO, we have never given up. Our government has done an exemplary job in containing the virus, a feat that has been praised by officials and health professionals from all around the world. And now, as we have some spare capacity, we are sending aid to our allies and other countries, including those in America, Europe and in Africa who have been harshly impacted by the outbreak. 臺灣一直以來都非常努力地在為國際社會的醫衛做出貢獻,我們也始終希望能在這場全球傳染病戰役中,與世界站在一起。 即便我們被世衛排除在外,臺灣也從未放棄貢獻一己之力。 臺灣在這次COVID19防疫上的傑出成果,是世界有目共睹的。而現在,當我們有額外的資源時,也不吝於分享給我們在美洲、歐洲及非洲的友邦與其他正在受到疫情影響的國家。 According to our health professionals who used to work closely with various countries in Africa, a temporary hospital has been built by Taiwan in Eswatini at the moment, and some important medical supplies sent by Taiwan are finding their way to Africa as well. 根據我們曾在非洲駐點過的醫衛工作者指出,臺灣正在協助史瓦帝尼建立臨時醫院,也同時在安排許多醫療用品援助。 With all the aforementioned in mind, how can you, in a few sentences, attempt to smear Taiwan’s reputation with such irresponsible and false accusations? 而根據上述所有資訊,(譚德塞博士)您怎能用簡單幾句謬誤的指控,不負責任地污衊世界對臺灣的印象呢? In the past two days, WHO hosted webinars in regards to how we, as individuals or as health professionals and officials, should confront the current info-demic. Ironically, just right after the webinar, Dr Tedros, as the DG of the WHO, was accusing Taiwan with misinformation. 在過去兩天當中,世衛舉辦了以「疫情假資訊」為題的線上研討會,提供個人、醫衛人士及官員一些面對疫情假資訊的建議。 然而,多麼諷刺的是,就在研討會剛結束的時候,世衛幹事長即帶頭用不實的資訊指控臺灣。 I firmly believe that health is a fundamental human right that should not be denied despite differences of any kind. Health for all, leave no one behind is also the core value that the WHO stands for. Please do not forget your dedication as a public health professional and the vows that you made when you ascended to the honorable position you are sitting at right now - health of people in the world comes first, not politics. 我一直相信,健康,是所有人皆擁有的基本人權。 全民健康,沒有人應被排除在外,也是世衛堅守的核心價值。 (譚德塞博士)請不要忘記您作為一個公衛專家的信念,以及您接任幹事長時所立下的誓言——「全球人民的健康當為第一位,而非政治。」 We are now facing the most challenging health crisis of our time. Taiwan cares about people’s health. We are willing to help, and we are helping now. Taiwan is a country that stands for progressive values, and we, as the Taiwanese people, are also known for our appreciation for diversity. We have never criticised you nor your actions based on your race, culture or skin colour. 全球現在正在面臨這個世代最嚴竣的健康危機,而臺灣不僅在乎所有人的健康,更願意幫忙、正在幫忙。 臺灣是一個相信進步價值的國家,臺灣人民,更是始終尊重多元、擁抱多元。我們從未因為基於您的種族、文化或膚色,而提出質疑。 I, on behalf of my beloved country and people, am now asking for an apology from you under the current circumstance. 現在,我與我熱愛的國家和臺灣人民,要求您針對4/8的不實指控,提出道歉! Thank you for your time. 感謝。 Vivi Lin 2020.4.8 前駐非代表盧道揚醫師發表聲明:從未對非洲人不尊重,台灣正積極協助非洲各國 除了林薇,前駐非代表盧道揚醫師也發表聲明表示:從未對非洲人不尊重,台灣正積極協助非洲各國。盧道揚醫師是我國衛福部兒科/顧問醫師,過去曾任駐菲代表(馬拉威、史瓦濟蘭)、台灣駐馬拉威醫療團小兒科主治醫師兼代理團長,過去曾與當時任職伊索匹亞衛生部長的譚德賽先生有數面之緣。 擁有豐富與非洲經驗的盧醫師在公開信中提到,任職台灣公共醫療系統的他可以證明,台灣公務夥伴從未藉職位公開對非洲人不尊重,而事實上台灣目前正積極協助非洲史瓦帝尼王國建造臨時醫院,並正運送防疫醫療物資到其他非洲國家。盧醫師提到,譚德賽先生不該以不負責任的言語詆毀台灣,更呼籲擁有知名公共衛生學府博士學位的譚德賽先生既然擔任世衛總幹事,應當優先考量全球民眾的健康,而非政治。

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