3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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美國聯合航空公司前程萬里MileagePlus 里程100%Bonus閃促活動(7/26前) 購買網址 在7/26前購買里程可獲得高達100%的獎勵里程。 買5,000 - 14,000英里| 獲得30%的獎勵里程 購買15,000 - 29,000英里| 獲得70%的獎勵里程購買30,000 - 75,000英里| 獲得100%的獎勵里程 購買網址 Promotional offer valid until 11:59 p.m. CT on July 26, 2018. Miles are available in increments of 1,000 up to a maximum of 75,000 miles. Bonuses will be calculated on a per transaction basis only. The bonus amount applicable to a transaction is shown in the chart. Transactions may not be aggregated to calculate the bonus. Bonus Miles will generally be credited to the recipient’s MileagePlus account when the transaction is complete; provided that certain transactions may take up to 48 hours. Bonus miles count towards the 150,000 mile annual limit per account. Purchase up to 150,000 miles per account per calendar year. Credit card will be billed immediately upon purchase. Mileage rates and other fees and offer terms are subject to change. Pricing is only available for purchases made through buymiles.mileageplus.com Miles are nonrefundable. Purchased miles do not count toward MileagePlus Premier® status. All MileagePlus Program Rules and terms and conditions apply. GST/HST is charged to Canadian residents. Powered by Points to purchase United MileagePlus miles. Transaction will appear as 'Points United Miles'. IHG洲際集團活動匯總-7/4更新 Hilton希爾頓集團活動匯總-7/4更新 Accor雅高集團活動匯總-7/4更新 Marriott萬豪集團活動匯總-7/4更新 想要得到第一手常旅客活動 加入LINE@以後直接通知 懶懶客服 https://m.me/TravelideasTW (常旅客的機器人客服)

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