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Photographer André Vicente Gonçalves loves to travel and loves collecting things. He is, in his words, 「all about details.」 One detail he has paid particular attention to over the past five years is windows.攝影師André Vicente Gonçalves愛好旅遊以及收集東西。用他自己的話來形容自己,就是「十分注重細節」。過去五年裡,他極其關注的一個細節就是——窗戶。Gonçalves recently sat down to assemble over 3,000 photographs of windows into collages, giving birth to his series Windows of the World. He didn't select the prettiest windows, but rather ones that together conveyed the essence of a place. Of the windows he photographed in Venice, for instance, he featured those with stone details and warm or red colors.近來,Gonçalves坐下,著手於將3000多幅窗戶的攝影做成拼貼畫,他的「世界之窗」系列自此誕生了。Gonçalves沒有挑選最漂亮的窗戶,而是選擇了那些組合在一起能夠體現出地方精髓的。舉個例子,在威尼斯拍攝的照片中,Gonçalves選擇了帶有石頭和暖色調或是紅色來體現威尼斯的特色。The architectural details in many of Gonçalves' photos provide a glimpse into the history and culture of cities. He hopes to learn more about the windows' different elements.Gonçalves攝影作品里的很多建築細節都隱隱顯露出當地的歷史和文化。Gonçalves希望了解窗戶的不同元素。威尼斯埃里塞拉(葡萄牙)布拉諾(彩色島,義大利)埃武拉(葡萄牙)阿爾卑斯山脈阿爾布費拉(葡萄牙)里斯本波爾圖

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