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LeBron James' Comparison: Regular Season / Playoffs / NBA Finals / Elimination Games (i.imgur.com)勒布朗-詹姆斯數據對比:常規賽 / 季後賽 / 總決賽 / 面臨淘汰的生死戰。[–]Wolves BandwagonGrease_the_Witch 367 指標 15小時前the only thing this graphic could use is the sample size of games, I think.really fine work, OP一點個人愚見啊,這張圖如果能夠補充上不同類型比賽的樣本數量的話就完美了樓主,做得真的很棒![–]CelticsCapnjack84 2 指標 4小時前Also, like to see some comparisons to players with similar games/usage i.e. Kobe, Jordan, Shaq, Kareem, Magic, Bird,還有啊,我很想看看其他超巨的這種數據對比!舉個例子,比如科比,喬丹,沙克,賈巴爾,魔術師,伯德。[–]EastItTakesSomeLuck 8 指標 11小時前I know it's dumb but I'd like to see this if you took out the mavs finals. I bet his finals stats would be insane我知道這樣說有些愚蠢,但如果你除掉11年負於小牛那次總決賽,我真的想看看他總決賽場均數據是怎麼樣的。我猜一定非常非常的變態。【注】2011年總決賽勒布朗-詹姆斯場均17.8分,7.2籃板,6.8助攻,1.7搶斷,0.5蓋帽,4.0失誤[–][SAS] Kawhi LeonardTimDuncanTimShootin 280 指標 14小時前Now show me preseason stats現在請給我看看詹姆斯的季前賽數據![–][WAS] Bradley BealA2daRon 177 指標 14小時前Summer league. Daytime games. Leap year games.我想看夏季聯賽的,白天進行的比賽,閏年的比賽的數據。[–]Nuggets10blast 78 指標 14小時前Games wearing sandals穿運動拖鞋比賽的數據。[–]Warriorschaoism 52 指標 13小時前Or mask或者戴面具打比賽的數據。[–]LakersBench 49 指標 13小時前i think headband vs no headband is the real differentiator我認為有髮帶詹vs無髮帶詹才是真正能看出差別的一組對比。[–]Blazers BandwagonRipCitaaay 64 指標 15小時前In how many elimination games has Bron been in?我想知道勒布朗經歷過多少次瀕臨淘汰的局面?[–]HeatAsPeHeat[S] 124 指標 15小時前I think it was 20, 11 wins and 9 losses.樓主:我認為應該有20次,11勝9負。[–]aydawgfoshizle 257 指標 15小時前That's honestly really good. Cause if you're facing elimination you are likely the worse team那講道理這真的已經很不錯了。因為如果你面臨被淘汰的局面的話,往往意味著你處於一支相對較弱的球隊。[–]SpursThehelloman0 5 指標 9小時前Lol he got 3 of those wins in the 2016 finals. It's so crazy he came back. After games 4 and 5 I thought there was no way he could come back哈哈,在2016年總決賽他可是贏下了三場這樣的比賽。他能夠率隊逆轉真的是太瘋狂了。記得在G4和G5之後,我都以為他們不可能贏下總冠軍了[–]Lakers BandwagonHighlyBaked0 3 指標 3小時前2016 was a great year for basketball at least for me. Kobes 60 in his final game and Bron coming back 3-1 both had me in tears of joy.2016年對於籃球界來說真是偉大的一年,至少對我來說是的。科比在他職業生涯最後一場比賽中狂砍60分,還有勒布朗3-1落後的情況下大逆轉奪冠都把我看濕了[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDeKobe-DeBryant 429 指標 15小時前But he's "not clutch"但是大伙兒還是說詹姆斯「關鍵時刻掉鏈子」。[–]raininginjuly 204 指標 14小時前Game 6 against boston was one of my fav Lebron moments.Clutch is so loosely defined, but I always liked Zeke's definition on "clutch shot-making". Iirc was one of the open court episodes where he was talking to Reggie and, paraphrasing, "Clutch is when your team is down 8 and they need a basket to stay in the game" or something like that.對陣波士頓的第六場比賽絕對是我最愛的勒布朗時刻了。人們對於「關鍵」這詞有各種隨意的定義,但是在其中我最喜歡微笑刺客以賽亞-托馬斯對於「命中關鍵投籃」的定義。如果我沒有記錯的話,在一期open court節目中他和雷吉-米勒說過,轉述一下大概是「所謂的『關鍵』就是當你的球隊落後八分而且急需進球得分才能保持住比賽的懸念」。[–][BOS] Marcus Smartriders994 37 指標 11小時前So like when his team was down 7 and he made 3所以說就像當他的球隊落後7分的時候,他投進了一個三分球。[–]BullsYcantweBfrients 13 指標 5小時前Clutch isn't a definition , it's a feeling.「關鍵」不是可以定義的,應該形容成一種感覺。[–]Sixers BandwagonKhanstipated 11 指標 5小時前Like the pull up fuck you I'm LeBron three he made before Ray's game 6 three.就好比13年總決賽G6在雷-阿倫投進那記扳平三分之前,他投進的那個「草泥馬哥可是勒布朗」的干拔三分。[–]ShaqGOAT 11 指標 8小時前what baffles me when people bring up the ray allen argument is that lebron had one of the clutchest games ever with 18p in the 4th and he hit the 3 just before讓我感到困擾的是人們總是談論雷-阿倫的那記三分有多麼的關鍵,卻總是忽略了勒布朗。他可是在最關鍵的比賽第四節砍下了18分,並且他在阿倫三分命中之前也射中了一記三分。[–]WizardsBasedTaco 9 指標 7小時前Literally dragged his team back into the game. And then people talk down about him for not completely winning the game singlehandedly真的是勒布朗把自己的球隊從絕境的邊緣拉了回來。但是人們卻拿這場比賽貶低他,就因為他沒有單槍匹馬的贏下比賽。[–]ThunderThatSwigglyLine 90 指標 15小時前If you looked at these stats, it would be hard to imagine him being 3-5 in the finals.如果你只看這些數據的話,你會很難想象勒布朗只贏下了3次總冠軍,而輸掉了5次。[–]watafaq 141 指標 14小時前*And that shows how much of a team sport Basketball is, especially at the highest level.這也證明了籃球是一項團隊體育,特別是在這種最高水平的聯賽里。[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 67 指標 14小時前And the competition his teams have faced. With the exception of the Mavs, there's a good argument to be made that every other team he's faced in the Finals has been better than his team.想想他的球隊面對的種種挑戰吧。除去小牛隊,勒布朗在總決賽面對的每一支球隊都要比他自己的隊更加出色,這樣的爭論應該值得大家討論一番。[–]aydawgfoshizle 57 指標 13小時前Not only better than his team, but his last 5 finals have been against prolly 5 of the best 15 teams in history不僅僅是比他的球隊出色那麼簡單,勒布朗過去五次總決賽面對的對手可能是聯盟歷史最佳15隊中的5支。[–]CavaliersJamesDesolation 18 指標 13小時前why exception of Mavs? that Mavs team was insanethey sweeped the Lakers and 4-1'd OKC為什麼要除去小牛?那年的小牛也很生猛啊。他們橫掃了衛冕冠軍湖人,並且4-1淘汰了雷霆。[–]LakersBroseidons_Brocean 16 指標 12小時前1 player has the biggest impact since there's only 5 on the court, but 1 player very rarely wins the series.籃球中,一名球員的差別會對比賽產生巨大的影響,因為場上一共也就5名球員。但是只靠一個人孤獨帶隊是很難贏下一輪系列賽的。[–][CLE] Kyrie Irving2016Winner 106 指標 15小時前Now gimme those Kobe elimination game stats現在請給我看看科比在面臨淘汰時候的場均數據![–]HeatAsPeHeat[S] 96 指標 14小時前I'll probably do this with Kobe and other big-name players who had multiple NBA Finals appearances, elimination games etc.樓主:我很可能會做科比以及其他打過數次總決賽、生死戰的超巨的數據統計。[–]Kingsz0idberggg 13 指標 15小時前Holy crap didn't realize he was so closely averaging a Lebron for the regular season!擦,我剛剛意識到勒布朗在常規賽場均差不多拿下了「一個樂邦」!【注】美國reddit球迷把27+7+7的數據稱為「A LeBron」,即「一個樂邦」。[–]rzpieces 33 指標 14小時前Why else would it be called a LeBron?你以為呢?要不然為啥管這數據叫「一個樂邦」?[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeWillofJ 8 指標 12小時前I look at lebron and see him as an all around guy, but then he goes and breaks the record for total playoff points. It's absolutely crazy how naturally scoring comes to him. He's doesn't have a scorer mentality like Jordan and Kobe but he's right up there with them in points.在我看來,勒布朗就是一個全能型戰士。但是他打破了季後賽總得分記錄。這真的很瘋狂,得分就好像是他與生俱來的天賦。與喬丹和科比不同,他沒有那種得分手的心態,但是他卻在總得分榜上與這些名字列在一起!【注】截止2016-2017賽季,季後賽總得分榜上勒布朗-詹姆斯6163分排名第一,邁克爾-喬丹5987分排名第二,科比-布萊恩特5640分排名第四。

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