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The cryptocurrencybitcoin has continued its stunning run-up, briefly surpassing the $3,000 threshold early Sunday afternoon.That』s according to the CoinDeskBitcoin Price Index, though competing index CoinMarketCap calculated the peak exchange rate at just a few cents short of $3,000 (bitcoin prices vary across exchanges, so different formulas can arrive at different exchange rates.)The new peak continues a surge that began in earnest in early May, when a bitcoin was worth nearly $1,400. And it flies in the face of a widening consensus that the cryptocurrency market is in a bubble.That was Mark Cuban』s take last Tuesday, but the technology』s own central figures beat him to the punch by warning about overly inflated prices from the stage at the Consensus blockchain conference in May. And when he saw disgruntled attendees turned away from the overbooked Token Summit conference, Fortune's Robert Hackett saw bubble written all over the bitcoin market.Most observers, including Cuban, have by now accepted that blockchain technology, a promising innovation in data security based on shared ledgers, has huge potential for tracking assets and information in fields from supply chain management to health records. But the price of bitcoin is currently based in large part on speculation about growing adoption and innovative future applications. That』s even more true for parallel cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems like Ethereum, Dash, and Litecoin, which are mostly rising in tandem with bitcoin.But a speculation-driven market is also an emotionally fragile market. If sentiment swings, it may swing quickly, and cause a lot of bitcon's value to evaporate.加密貨幣比特幣繼續著驚人的上揚勢頭,並在上周日下午短暫越過了3,000美元的門檻。這一數據來自比特幣價格指數CoinDesk,儘管其競爭對手CoinMarketCap指數算出的匯率峰值比3,000美元要低上幾美分(比特幣的價格根據交易平台不同而有所區別,所以不同的公式計算出的匯率也不一樣)。自5月初開始,比特幣的匯率就連創新高,當時比特幣的價格接近1,400美元。越來越多的人認為,這種加密貨幣的市場已經出現泡沫。然而在這樣的情況下,其價格仍舊一路攀升。庫班在上周二連續發推闡述這種觀點。不過在5月的Consensus區塊鏈大會上,這項技術的核心人物針對過度飛漲的比特幣價格就已經率先提出了警告。而《財富》的羅伯特•哈克特觀察到Token Summit大會預定席位過多,引發與會者厭惡不滿時,他認為整個比特幣市場都寫滿了「泡沫」二字。大部分觀察家,包括庫班,如今已經接受了區塊鏈技術。這項技術基於股份總賬,是在數據安全上的一次前途無量的創新。它在供應鏈管理到健康數據等各個領域進行資產和信息追蹤上,擁有巨大的潛力。不過比特幣的價格目前在很大程度上都依託於人們對於比特率普及度提升,未來會有更多創新應用的猜測。對於Ethereum、Dash和Litecoin等與比特幣一同崛起的加密貨幣和區塊鏈系統而言,這一點甚至更加明顯。不過以投機為驅動力的市場,同樣也容易受到感情的影響劇烈波動。如果投資者的情緒開始動搖,市場也會迅速動搖,導致比特幣價值出現大量縮水。(財富中文網)譯者:嚴匡正

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