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Message from Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Youth Day教科文組織總幹事伊琳娜·博科娃女士在國際青年日的致辭 Youth Building Peace青年建設和平 12 August 20172017年8月12日 The world has never been so young and it is getting younger every day. The development of any society depends on how well it nurtures its young women and men, how well they are supported. 世界從未這般年輕,而且還越來越年輕。對青年的呵護和支持決定社會的發展。 In 2015, there were 1.2 billion young people in the world, and more than 600 million lived in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Young people carry the heaviest burdens of conflict and violence – they are also essential for any lasting solution leading to peace. 2015年,世界青年人數達12億,其中超過6億人生活在脆弱和衝突環境中。青年受衝突和暴力的危害最大,同時也是尋求通往和平的持久方案的關鍵。 We have examples from across the world. Nousha Kabawat teaches conflict resolution skills in refugee camps. Monday Collins is a former child soldier and an inspiring young peacemaker. Nadiehezka Palencia is a young human-rights lawyer working on the Colombian peace process. Each of them is a member of our #YouthofUNESCO community. Each is living proof that young people are already shaping the world for the better – we need to recognise this and support them. 世界各地這樣的例子數不勝數。Nousha Kabawat 在難民營傳授衝突解 技能。Monday Collins 曾經是一名兒童兵,現在已成為一名有號召力的青年調停人。青年人權律師 Nadiehezka Palencia努力推動哥倫比亞和平進程。他們都是#YouthofUNESCO群體的成員,也都親身證明:青年正在推動這個世界的進步,我們需要對此加以承認並為他們提供支持。 This is the spirit of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security, to engage and partner with young women and men, and their organizations, in promoting peace and preventing violent extremism. Youth stand at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and UNESCO is working across the board to support them not as beneficiaries but as leaders, playing vital roles at local, national and global levels. This starts with work to create environments to empower young women and men as change-makers in their communities, to strengthen the foundations of dialogue and peace, especially in conflict or violenceaffected areas. 這正是聯合國安全理事會有關青年、和平和安全問題的第2250號決議的精義所在:通過與青年及青年組織的交流和合作,促進和平,預防暴力極端主義。青年在《2030年可持續發展議程》中佔據核心位置,教科文組織正全方位地為青年提供支持,不是把他們當作受益人,而是把他們視為在地方、國家和全球層面發揮關鍵作用的領導者。為此,首要任務是營造環境,增進青年權能,使其成為所在社群的變革者,加強對話與和平的基礎,重點是受衝突和暴力問題影響的地區。 On International Youth Day, let us all unite – international actors, governments, civil society and educational institutions – to partner with young women and men to craft new paths together towards more peaceful societies. 值此國際青年日,讓我們大家——國際行為體、政府、民間社會和教育機構——團結起來,與青年攜手,共同開闢通往更安寧社會的嶄新道路。

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