3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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工程智庫思考是思考者最根本的資源以下是正文廣西省的柳州市森林城的建設已動工了。由Stefano Boeri Architetti設計,新的落地城市將容納3萬人。Construction has begun on the Liuzhou Forest City in the mountainous region of Guangxi, China. Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the new ground-up city will accommodate up to 30,000 people in a master plan of environmentally efficient structures covered top-to-bottom in plants and trees.柳州市森林城將包含現代化城市的所有必要類型 - 辦公室,住宅,酒店,醫院和學校,位於柳江附近一個175公頃的地塊內。採用標誌性的垂直森林體系,每棟建築的外牆將覆蓋植物生命,共有40,000棵樹,及100多種物種的植物約有100萬棵。Liuzhou Forest City will contain all of the essential typologies of the modern city – offices, houses, hotels, hospitals and schools – housed within a 175 hectare site near the Liujiang River. Employing the firm』s signature vertical forest system, The facades of each building will be covered in plant life, with a total 40,000 trees and nearly 1 million plants from over 100 species specified.這種實施綠化將有利於居民和環境,作為內部空間的被動式冷卻系統,隔離城市與附近高速公路的隔離屏障,以及支持該地區生物多樣性的微觀棲息地,包括植物,鳥類,昆蟲和小動物該體系還將改善該地區的空氣質量,因為估計每年可吸收10,000噸二氧化碳和57噸污染物,反過來又產生約900噸氧氣。This implementation of greenery will benefit both residents and the environment, acting as passive cooling systems for interior spaces, noise barriers to shield the city from the nearby highway and a micro-habitat supporting the region』s lush biodiversity of organisms including plants, birds, insects and small animals. The system will also improve the air quality of the area, as it is estimated to absorb 10,000 tons of CO2 and 57 tons of pollutants per year, in turn producing approximately 900 tons of oxygen.除了綠植外牆的好處之外,每座建築均設計用於能源自給自足,地熱系統提供室內空氣條件,並提供可再生能源的屋頂太陽能電池板。柳州市中心的交通也將利用高速鐵路線和電動汽車等效率手段。In addition to the benefits of the planted facades, each building has been designed for energy self-sufficiency, with geothermal systems providing interior air conditions and rooftop solar panels offering a renewable energy source. Transportation to downtown Liuzhou will also utilize efficiency means, including a high-speed rail line and electric vehicles.森林城市概念建立在垂直森林研究基礎之上,從而形成了世界上第一個在米蘭完成的垂直森林塔樓,以及在全球範圍內進行的其他幾個系統的計劃,包括南京,上海和深圳。The forest city concept builds upon the firm』s vertical forest research, which has resulted in the world』s first completed vertical forest tower in Milan, as well as plans for several other iterations of the system throughout the world including the Chinese cities of Nanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.隨著柳州森林城的建設,該項目預計將在3年內實現,預計2020年開放。With construction on Liuzhou Forest City now underway, the project is expected to be realized in just 3 years, with an anticipated opening in 2020.建築師:Stefano Boeri Architetti地點:廣西 柳州合伙人:Stefano Boeri, Yibo Xu項目負責人:Pietro Chiodi設計團隊:Julia Gocalek, Yinxin Bao, Shilong Tan with Giulia Chiatante合作設計院:上海同硯建築規劃設計有限公司客戶:柳州市城市規劃局面積:1385000平方米思考者在關注小貼士 回復1PPP項目資產證券化與產業投資基金運作專題培訓班(呼市、南寧)回復2工程施工合同60個風險識別點培訓班(廣州、西安)回復3特色小鎮申報要點解析、投融資模式創新及PPP模式在特色小鎮建設中的運用研討會(青島)回復4融資監管風暴暨PPP模式及平台規範融資專題研討會(貴陽)回復5建築業改革最新政策與併購重組典案例培訓班(北京)回復62017建築業營改增全流程稅務風控與節稅實戰班(青島)回復7PPP項目資產證券化與產業基金運作培訓班(鄭州)回復8招投標採購政策解讀與案例分析培訓班(大連、西寧)回復9PPP項目運作與運營風險管控班(蘭州、大連)回復10全國建築結構千人大會(昆明)回復12FIDIC應用能力提升培訓班(北京)回復13建設工程企業資質升級、增項、業績補錄及網上申報操作實務研討班(北京、貴陽)回復14「2017版《建設項目工程總承包管理規範》暨EPC總承包工程項目管理管控實踐」培訓班(深圳)回復11北京大學PPP高端研修班(北京)回復22北京大學特色小鎮高端研修班(北京)回復33清華園·PPP高級實戰培訓班(總第26期)(北京)回復111日本建築工業化考察之旅,征同行者回復222英國劍橋 + PPP深度學習考察之旅,征同行者!回復333歐洲特色小鎮與城市發展考察之旅,征同行者!回復99建企股權融資、出讓信息查詢回復100獵頭職位:項目經理,年薪30萬

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