3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Hello,小夥伴們,我們又見面了,從今天開始,咱們每個工作日都會更新最實用的外貿口語表達啦~每天認真學習十分鐘,初步掌握一個話題,日積月累,您就是外貿大神了,口語也就杠杠滴啦~又沒很興奮,又沒很驚喜~ Okay,Let's go done to bussiness.做過外貿的小夥伴們應該都知道的哈,我們和國外客戶業務往來的過程中,必不可少兩個環節,來賓接待和商務出差,辣么~今天就叨叨這兩環節里必不可少的"預定酒店"Part 1 黃金十句 1.I'd like to book a double room for October 10th.我想訂一間10月10日的雙人間。2.What's the current rate,please?請問現在的房價是多少?3.What services come with that price?這個價格包括哪些服務?4.Do you have any vacancies?你們今天有空房嗎?5.All the rooms have been occupied today.今天所有房間都住滿了。6.How long will your customer be staying?您的客戶打算住多久?7.We look forward to seeing your customer the day after tomorrow.我們期待後天能見到您的客戶。8.Is there a special rate for a group?團體預定有優惠嗎?9.There is some reduction for groups.團體預定有優惠。10.How would you like to make payment?您將如何付款?Part 2 單詞攔路虎Part 3 實景對話A: Room reservation.Can I help you?B: Yes,I'd like to book a double room on the sunny side for October 10th.A: That's fine,sir. Could you tell me in whose name the reservation was made?B: In the name of Mr. Smith.A: Ok.How long will Mr. Smith be staying?B: Five days.What's the current rate,please?A:$260 per day.B: By the way,what services come with that?A:You'll have a color TV set,a telephone,a newspaper delivered to your room everyday and broadband Internet.B:Fantastic.I'll take it.A:How would you like to make payment?In cash?B:On the company account,please.A:Ok.We look forward to seeing your customer.如果你覺得文章還不錯,就請點擊右上角選擇發送給朋友或者轉發到朋友圈。您的支持和鼓勵是我們最大的動力。喜歡就請關注我們吧~Keep learning and go for it.關注我們

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