3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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美國研究所申請過程中,有時候會被大學邀請面試,特別是商科的專業。獲得面試當然是申請者們邁向夢寐以求的碩士課程的重要一步。 然而,面試是機會,也是挑戰,在一些競爭很激烈的專業領域,多達四分之三的申請者,雖然獲得面試機會,卻還是得到被拒的結果。面試是申請者唯一能向招生官全面展示自己的機會,展示自己除了GRE分數、GPA等以外的其他方面的能力。教授們則想通過面試來確定哪些學生最適合他們的學校,哪些學生將是優秀的合作者、上進的學員good collaborators and mentees。那麼申請者收到面試邀請后一定要提前準備Being Prepared Is Extremely Important to Success,以提高通過面試的幾率。以下是一些面試中可能出現的問題(來自美國高校教授的總結),希望對大家有幫助。 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS關於你的個人性格的問題· Tell me about yourself.· What are your strengths and weaknesses?· What do you believe your greatest challenge will be if you are accepted into this program?· How would your professors describe you?· Describe your greatest accomplishment.· Why should we take you and not someone else?· Are you motivated? Explain and provide examples.· What would you change about yourself and why?· If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Why?QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACADEMIC EXPERIENCES AND SKILLS關於你學習經歷和專業技能的問題· In college, what courses did you enjoy the most? The least? Why?· Describe any research project you've worked on. What was the purpose of the project and what was your role in the project?· In what ways have your previous experiences prepared you for graduate study in our program?· Tell me about your experience in this field. What was challenging? What was your contribution?· What skills do you bring to the program? How will you help your mentor in his or her research?· Why did you choose to apply to our program?· What do you know about our program and how does it fit with your goals?· What other schools are you considering? Why?· What don't you like about your college?· Tell me about a professor who you don't like. Why?QUESTIONS ABOUT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES關於課外活動的問題· What do you do in your spare time?· What are your hobbies?· What volunteer experiences do you have?· What contribution have you made to your department or school?· What was the last movie that you saw?· What was the last book that you read?QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR GOALS關於你的目標的問題· If you're not accepted into graduate school, what are your plans?· Why did you choose this career?· How will you be able to make a contribution to this field?· What are your career goals? How will this program help you achieve your goals?· How do you intend to finance your education?· What do you plan to specialize in?PROBLEM SOLVING AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS關於你解決問題的能力以及領導技能的問題· Explain a situation in which you had a conflict and how you resolved it. What would you do differently? Why?· What can be determined about an applicant at an interview?· Define success.· How well do you handle stress?· Discuss a situation in which you showed leadership ability.· Do you think one person can make the world a better place? Why or why not?· How will you make the world a better place?· Explain an ethical dilemma that you faced and how you dealt with it.最後,請大家記住,最適合的人才會成為成功的申請者successful applicants who best fit the program。 面試中要誠實,做你自己。Be honest and be yourself.

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