3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

青島,這個曾入選「世界最美海灣」的城市,擁有連綿不斷的海岸線,眾多海灣將整個青島市的前海一線連在一起,其中屬膠州灣最為壯美,是青島的母親灣;靈山灣最為明媚,領銜西部灣區。Qingdao, which was once selected as "the world's most beautiful bay city", has a continuous coastline that consists of numerous small gulfs and bays. The grandest bay is Jiaozhou Bay, which is Qingdao』s mother bay. Lingshan Bay is perhaps the most beautiful, and is the most important of the western bay area.東方影都選址「金灘鑲綠野,碧海映藍天」的靈山灣,依山面海而棲,打造了星光熠熠的星光島和涵蓋影視產業園、萬達茂兩大全球領先業態的萬國商埠。The Qingdao Movie Metropolis chose Lingshan Bay as its location, as Lingshan Bay』s gorgeous sandy beaches are magnificently accented by the stunning sea views and the expansive blue sky. This location is picturesquely set between mountains and the ocean. The Qingdao Movie Metropolis is made of two parts: Starry Island and the International Trading Port—which itself is comprised of the Film Industry Park and Wanda Mall.春光明媚之際,東方影都邀您換一個角度領略絕美海灣!In such a beautiful season, the Qingdao Movie Metropolis would like to invite you to see the different angle of the Gulf!「飛越靈山灣·青島東方影都杯」拍攝大賽即將開始,多重驚喜大獎等你來拿l 參賽作品拍攝範圍膠州灣、靈山灣、星光島、東方影都等Shooting range: Jiaozhou Bay, Lingshan Bay, Starry Island, Qingdao Movie Metropolis ,etcl 參賽對象 無人機愛好者 攝影愛好者均可報名參加Participating object: amateur UAV or photographers 大賽流程<<<我要參賽<<<l 作品範圍要求展現膠州灣、靈山灣、星光島、東方影都等works range:the work need to show up some aspects of Jiaozhou Bay, Lingshan Bay, Starry Island, Qingdao Movie Metropolisl 視頻作品視頻長度要求3-5分鐘,經剪輯的高清質量MP4格式,視頻作品要求配樂(最好同時配音),可出現作品片名和內容字幕,不可以出現作者姓名信息video works:The length requirement of your video work is 3-5 minutes, high-definition quality MP4 format, has been editing, and it requires soundtrack (dubbing at the same time would be best),the work title and content subtitles can show up in the work, but the name information of the author shouldn』t be in it.l 參賽要求每位參賽者僅可上傳一個作品,不可重複參賽Entry requirements:Each participant can only submit a work, above one is not allowedl 投稿方式視頻作品命名方式:作品名+姓名+手機號碼+拍攝地點You should name your video work in this way: work name + your name + phone number + shooting location參賽作者將參賽作品打包發送至郵箱:wddfyd2013@163.com(請註明「飛越靈山灣·青島東方影都杯」拍攝大賽徵稿)Participants should submit the works to the E-mail: wddfyd2013@163.com (Please point out it is the "Flying over Lingshan Bay • Qingdao Movie Metropolis Cup" photography competition draft) 大賽獎品<<<最佳主題獎(1名)榮譽證書+大疆精靈4無人機一台Best Theme Award (1)Certificate + one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle最佳視覺獎(2名)榮譽證書+價值1999元的Osmo Mobile 防抖手機雲台一台Best Visual Award (2)certificate + one Osmo Mobile anti-shake phone PTZ one which is worth 1999 yuan最佳創意獎(3名)榮譽證書+價值849元的大疆精靈3電池一個Best Creative Award (3)certificate + one battery for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle which is worth 849yuan入圍獎(19名)榮譽證書+價值149元精美禮品一份Finalists (19) certificate + a gift which is worth 149 yuan 特別聲明:「飛越靈山灣·青島東方影都杯「拍攝大賽活動徵集、大賽之入選作品著作權歸作者所有,活動主辦方有權使用所有投稿作品,不再另行通知。參加本活動視作認可主辦方使用作品的權利。主辦方可在非盈利性的平面及網路展示和公益宣傳用途中使用所有投稿作品。作品的著作權、肖像權、名譽權等法律問題由參賽者自行負責,主辦、承辦單位不承擔任何責任。Special statement:The copyright of "Flying over Lingshan Bay • Qingdao Movie Metropolis Cup" artworks will be reserved by the authors, but the organizer would have the right to use all the submission works with no further notifications. Participants will approve the organizer to use the works once they join this .星光島·牡丹園 3號樓 110m²-138m² 島居華宅 即將推出現已開始接受意向登記,詳詢:0532-67719999

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