3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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每年夏天都被「新蚊連啵」的旁友們請舉起你們的小手……為啥這些蚊子在茫茫人海中,只對你情有獨鍾?你就不好奇嗎?其實,真相是……1、How much carbon dioxide you exude makes a difference to how appetizing you are to the buggers.首先,你呼出的二氧化碳量決定了你在蚊子看來有多「開胃」。People with a larger body mass and pregnant people produce more carbon dioxide, which means they're also more likely to be bitten.大腹便便的人和孕婦會產生更多的二氧化碳,也就意味著他們更可能被蚊子盯上。2、A higher body temperature could also mean you are more likely to be bitten.更高的體溫意味著您有更高的幾率被咬。Which again, makes people with a larger body mass and pregnant people more susceptible as they generally have a greater body temperature. Everyone is also at greater risk when they're exercising, because this also raises your body temperature.這世界再一次對胖子和孕婦展現了惡意,因為他們往往有著比旁人更高的體溫。一般人在運動、鍛煉的時候體溫升高,被咬的可能也就增大了。3、Your blood type is also a factor in how likely you are to be bitten.你的血型也會在你被蚊子咬的可能性上湊個熱鬧。This study concluded that people with type O blood are significantly more attractive than people with type A blood to mosquitoes. However, this was a very small study that hasn't been repeated since, so take these results with a pinch of salt.一項研究表明,O型血的人們遠比A型血的人對蚊子的誘惑力更大。但是這其實僅僅是一項尚未經過驗證的小實驗,所以不能盡信,姑且一聽就行。4、The same study also showed that only some people secrete chemicals through their skin that indicate what blood type they have.同一項研究還表明,只有一部分人的皮膚可以分泌出某種化學物質,這種物質能夠標示出他們的血型。Some people do not secrete those chemicals at all, making them less likely to be bitten, the lucky bastards.另一些人則無法分泌這些化學物質,這使得他們更不容易受到蚊蟲叮咬——這些該死的幸運兒們!5、The composition of the microbes on your skin is another factor.你的皮膚表面微生物的構成是另一影響因素。We all have a unique and beautiful flora of microbes living on our skin. In fact, we have more microbes on our skin than actual skin cells.我們每個人的皮膚表面都生活著美麗而獨一無二的微生物族群。事實上,我們皮膚上的微生物們甚至比皮膚細胞還多。We're actually just walking masses of germs. Anyway, the unique composition of our microbes affects how much mosquitos want to bite us.我們都是巨大的人形自走培養皿。無論如何,每個人獨有的微生物構成對有多少蚊子想要咬我們有著不可忽視的影響。6、Exercising also makes you more appealing.運動使你變得更「迷蚊」。This is because exercise increases the amount of lactic acid your skin secretes, as well as increasing your overall body temperature.因為運動會使你的皮膚分泌更多的乳酸,並令你全身體溫升高。For mosquitoes, this is the equivalent of wafting delicious baked goods and fresh coffee in front of someone who's just rolled out of bed.相比於那些在床上葛優癱的人,你在蚊子眼裡更像是一塊熱氣騰騰的烤麵包配咖啡。7、Lastly, drinking beer may also contribute to your status as mosquito bait.最後,喝啤酒會更讓你成為「蚊蟲誘餌」。This study found that one bottle of beer is enough to make you more attractive to insects in general, although no one conclusively knows why that is.這項研究發現,一般而言,一杯啤酒就足以提升你對蚊蟲的吸引力,雖然沒有人知道確鑿的原因是什麼。So, if you don't want to be bitten, avoid drinking beer, going to the gym, and getting pregnant. Also, be sure to change your genetic background!總而言之,如果你不想被咬,那麼就戒掉啤酒、拒絕鍛煉、避免懷孕,並且,務必改變你的基因背景吧!You can also use a repellent if you can't do all of the above.如果上面這些你都不想做的話,你也可以抹點兒驅蚊水呀。分享一下你的驅蚊秘籍吧!

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