3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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近日,胡歌放棄如日中天的演藝事業,來美國進修導演,開啟了全新的留學生活。其實,這一決定並非空穴來風,此前他在出席某教育論壇的演講中全程用英文侃侃而談,他談的不是演戲而是學習英語的心得。並且鼓勵大家出國深造實現夢想!在後續的全英文互動中,他和主持人的互動卻不是靠「背」可以解決問題的,不僅流利切題,還可以調侃說笑,真是厲害Word歌啊!胡歌英文演講內容Good afternoon, everybody!大家下午好!I am so happy to attend this EF Education Exchange event and to hear such amazing personal stories.很高興能來參加這個論壇,聽到這麼多精彩的人生故事。It makes me realize I am not alone on my journey to build a better life, as there are so many others who strive to study continuously to achieve their dreams.我意識到,在追求美好生活的路上,我並不孤單,還有這麼多人也一直在為夢想而努力。Whenever I travel abroad, I often meet people from different countries and cultures.As I communicate with them, I realize how much bigger my world becomes.當四處旅行時,我經常會碰到來自不同國家和文化背景的人。跟他們交流過後,我才意識到我的世界變得多麼寬廣。So in my future travels and studies abroad, I will challenge myself to explore different cultures and learn new things to expand my world.所以在未來的旅行和出國學習中,我會不斷努力去探索不同的文化,學習新知識,進一步開闊視野。I hope everyone here also can remove all obstacles and open your world through education.我也希望,在座的各位都能克服一切困難,通過教育去打開新世界的大門。教育,讓世界無界。觀看演講視頻,來這裡↓學好英語,從聽開始聽力課堂(ID:tingclass123)

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