3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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今天在呼市上完課,遇到相關軍事行動,機場流控,晚點。到現在才發題,很抱歉。昨天的直播就告訴大家記單詞一定要和刷真題聯繫起來!同時進行。一篇真題所花時間大概是4到8個小時。先看2007年第一篇,然後往前刷。爭取到六月底刷到98年。題目不用糾結,能做就做,不做也可以。關鍵在於先過單詞和句子關!真題!真題!真題!每天看每日一句,再看時文精析!(半小時,看中文也行啊!)明天晚上天津紅旗劇院!我等著大家!今天的句子Understanding the brain』s connections would begin to teach us how its flashes of electricity add up to a fully conscious experience, one in which our senses, intuition, reasoning and memory interact to give a coherent view of the world.辭彙突破:1.Flashes 閃爍2.Add up to 合計;組成3.Conscious 有意識的4.Intuition直覺5.Interact互相作用確定主幹:Understanding the brain』s connections would begin to teach us how+賓語從句 Teach 加雙賓語,第二個賓語是賓語從句切分成分+獨立成句:1.how its flashes of electricity add up to a fully conscious experience賓語從句 2.one in which our senses, intuition, reasoning and memory interact to give a coherent view of the world.同位語+定語從句 one= a fully conscious experience which= a fully conscious experience In this experience our senses, intuition, reasoning and memory interact to give a coherent view of the world.參考譯文:了解大腦的連接能讓我們開始懂得它們電流的閃爍怎樣組成一個完整的意識體驗,一個我們的感觀、直覺、推理和記憶互相交織成清晰的世界觀的體驗。重要背景介紹:人類的大腦是一個高度有條理且高效運轉的系統(a highly organized and efficient system),它的每一條通路的存在都理由充分雖然表面上看來,大腦像一個繚亂且糾結的網路(tangled and messy web),那只是因為我們還沒有理解(unable to unravel)它1000億條神經和100萬億的連接,還無法解釋它的運作原理(how it works)。《新科學家》刊登的文章認為,我們在大腦研究上可能很長時間都走錯了方向(the understanding has long eluded us)。科學家一種新的研究方法通過關注神經管之間的間隙而非神經管(neural cables)本身,為我們提供了新的線索(fresh clues)。研究認為,我們雙耳之間的神經連接(wiring between your ears)充滿了空洞,而且是因為這些空洞,我們才擁有了驚人的心理和智力(impressive mental feats)。換言之,大腦的空隙讓我們更加聰明。明天的句子:His new role, announced a week ago, has provoked derision from Labour and disquiet from some Tory MPs. The House of Commons committee on standards said on Friday that it would examine guidance on MPs』 second jobs amid questions over how much time Osborne would be able to devote to his Tatton constituents.點閱讀原文可以看到原文來源

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