3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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對即將參加畢業晚會的妹子而言,晚會禮服比帥氣的舞伴還要重要,但悲劇的是,不少妹子在打開網購包裹時赫然發現,真實的「買家秀」和網上看到的「賣家秀」天差地別,而且這些網評不好的網站還退貨無門。她們乾脆把圖片曬到了網上,給後來人提個醒。 Forget your date - everyone knows that the most important element of any teenager's prom is her dress; which makes it all the more heartbreaking to see someone receive their prom gown in the mail, only to find it looks absolutely nothing like the online picture. 一個女孩子畢業晚會最重要的部分就是她的裙子,比舞伴都重要;所以,當她收到快遞,發現新買的裙子跟網上的圖片完全不一樣時,內心肯定是特別崩潰。 Many disappointed shoppers have taken to Twitter to expose the struggle of ordering a prom dress online, posting comparison images showing the gowns they thought they ordered versus the ones that arrived in the mail. 許多失望的買家在推特上貼出了她們下訂單時的賣家秀和實際收到快遞后的買家秀對比圖,表達對自己網購經歷的心碎之情。 In all cases, the glamorous gowns pictured online arrived looking cheap, wrinkled, misshapen, and even missing pieces. 在所有這些例子中,禮服裙在網上看起來魅力十足,但是現實中卻顯得很廉價,皺巴巴的,走形甚至還缺了幾塊布。 Overall, none of the gowns wowed or flattered as their online pictures indicated. 總的來說,沒有一件裙子像網路圖片一樣讓人讚不絕口。 'Don't order your prom dress online...' wrote one Twitter user. 'I promise you will regret it.' Numerous other tweets reflect the exact same sentiment: 'PSA: Don't order your prom dress online!' 「不要在網上購買畢業晚禮服……」一位推特用戶寫道。「我敢肯定你會後悔的。」許多人在推特上表達出同樣的憤慨之情:"友情提示:不要在網上購買畢業晚禮服!" The uniting trend among these bad ballgowns seems to be the fact that they were ordered from discount clothing websites based in Asia that are known for their absurdly low prices, appealing marketing, and yes - their misleading product pictures. 真實的情況是,這些劣質的晚禮服均是從一些銷售折扣服飾的亞洲網站訂購的。這些網站以荒唐的超低價、富有吸引力的市場營銷而出名,當然了,還有那些矇騙眾人的產品圖片。 It's not abnormal to order clothes online - in 2014, the Census Bureau reported that clothing and accessories were the two most profitable e-commerce categories. 網購衣服是一件很正常的事——2014年,美國人口普查局的一項報告指出,最賺錢的網購商品分別是衣服和配飾。 Thus, it's not surprising that busy high-school students opted to shop online for this year's prom fashions. Where many would-be fashionista's mistakes arose was in their choice to shop on one of the many notorious scam clothing sites, many of which are based in Asia. 因此,忙碌的高中生選擇在網上購買自己畢業晚會的服裝也就不足為奇了。這些女孩子本來可以在舞會上一展風采,但錯就錯在,她們選擇在那些網評不好的網站上買禮服,而大部分這種騙子網站都來自亞洲。 Companies like SheIn, Shop In Dress, and Sweetheart Girl are just a few of the many online shopping destinations that have sprung up in recent years and have been linked to repeated claims of misleading product pictures and non-existent return policies. 近年來,網路上出現了許許多多的購物網站,比如:SheIn、Shop In Dress和Sweetheart Girl,這些公司常常遭到投訴,因為他們發布虛假圖片和根本不存在的退貨政策。 Complaints against shops like IziDressBuy indicate that the company and its peers are unlikely to respond to refund requests. One unhappy customer said the company allegedly suggested she 'keep the dress and maybe gift (it as) a gift to someone.' IziDressBuy等網站收到的投訴指出,該公司以及公司員工對退款請求不作出回應。一位消費者對此很不滿意,她說,該公司甚至建議她「留下那條裙子,然後把它當做禮物送給別人。」 A quick glance at their sites reveals striking similarities: impossibly low-prices, product pictures from many different sources, and little to no information about the company itself. 迅速瀏覽一下這些網站,我們可以發現驚人的相似性:不現實的超低價、各種來源的產品圖片,公司相關信息少的可憐,甚至乾脆沒有。 Still, it's easy to see why teenagers would be attracted to the affordable price point and wealth of stylish prom dress options on these sites. 很容易解釋為什麼青少年會被這些網站上親民的價格和樣式時髦的晚會禮裙所吸引。 Unfortunately, many have proven to be scams, whose actual products look nothing like what is advertised. Complicated or non-existent return policies ensure the ripped-off shoppers are not likely to get their cash back. 不幸的是,許多這種網站都被證實是詐騙網站。這些網站上售賣的產品與其廣告上的樣子完全不同。網站上的退貨政策十分複雜,或者根本就不存在,受騙的消費者不太可能拿回退款。 While it's unfortunate enough for those who ordered a mangled t-shirt or ill-fitting pair of pants - these prom dress disasters are downright tragic. 如果說買到了嚴重損壞的T恤或者不合身的褲子已經夠倒霉的話,那買到一條破爛禮服的經歷,完完全全是一個悲劇。 True, the differences in these dresses are humorous - but likely devastating for a high school student who is aiming to look their best for the big night. 實話說,「買家秀」和「賣家秀」的鮮明對比還是挺好笑的。但是對那些想要在畢業晚會這個重要場合展現自己最美一面的高中生來說,這可真是一個致命打擊。 英文來源:每日郵報翻譯:魏千菡(日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:yaning

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