3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

After consuming 14 million pounds of lobster in 2016, essentially saving the lobster industry of Maine in the U.S., Chinese food enthusiasts now aspire to expand their culinary horizons in such a way as to cure another country』s headache.繼國人在去年消費了1400萬磅的小龍蝦,從根本上拯救了美國緬因州的龍蝦業后,的吃貨們現在渴望擴張他們的美食座標,準備去解決另一個國家的頭痛事。Chinese web users have put forward a clever solution to save Ribe, a small Danish town along the southwestern coastline of the Scandinavia Islands, from an unwanted invasion of giant Pacific oysters.沿著斯堪的納維亞半島西南海岸線的一個丹麥小鎮Ribe被一種討厭的巨大的太平洋生蚝入侵,的網友們出了一個好主意來拯救這個小鎮。On Monday, the Danish embassy in China posted an article on its Weibo account, stating that the Pacific oysters that 「have been spreading all over Scandinavia since 2010」 are seriously threatening living conditions for animals and plants in the Danish Wadden Sea, which is one of their 「most important natural resources.」星期一,丹麥駐華大使館在其官方微博上發布了一篇文章,表明太平洋生蚝「自2010年起就在斯堪的納維亞半島繁衍」,現在嚴重威脅到丹麥瓦登海動植物的生存,這裡是丹麥「最重要的自然資源」之一。The post instantly electrified Chinese netizens, who always love to flaunt their centuries-long passion for diversifying food resources.這條博文立即震驚了網友,他們總是喜歡炫耀對多樣化食物源長達數世紀的狂熱。The proposed solution was as follows: 「Denmark can invent an 』eater』s visa』 for Chinese visitors, offering unlimited entries within 10 years for stays of up to a month each visit. The oysters will be extinct within five years."他們的解決方案是這樣的:「丹麥可以給遊客開通『吃貨簽證』,十年內無限次往返,每次最多可以停留一個月。估計5年就差不多可以消滅這些生蚝了。」The idea quickly exploded, earning more than 10,000 thumbs-up.這個主意立馬就炸了,贏得了1萬多個贊。「Ha! Five years? Five months is enough," one user commented.一人評論說,「哈,還要五年呀!五個月就夠了!」Others have even gone so far as to offer recipes for delicious oyster dishes.其他人則更是貼心,甚至獻上了生蚝的各種做法大全。「For the sea delicacy -- charcoal it, fry it, bake it with cheese, stew it with mushrooms, cook it in a pot with various sauces, make it into soup or porridge with tofu," a culinary pundit suggested, earning accolades from many.一位美食博主建議,「對於這種海鮮——炭烤生蚝、油炸生蚝、芝士焗生蚝、生蚝燉蘑菇、和多種食材爆炒、生蚝豆腐湯或者粥等」,得到了眾多網友的支持。Web users also bombarded the original post with an array of pictures of oysters, cooked according to the styles of various regions -- spicy in Sichuan, lightly flavored in Southeast China, baked with heavy sauces in the Northeast and more.網友們還在大使館的原始博文下轟炸留言,貼上了各種風味的生蚝做法圖——川香的麻辣,南方的清淡,東北重口味的燒烤等等。The proposal and responses to it grew so robustly that experts even chimed in to acknowledge the plausibility of the 「eating strategy." Li Cheng, an expert in environmental management and wildlife, told China News Service that it is actually 「feasible and workable」 to solve an invasive species problem in this way. His only warning was for volunteers to avoid oysters from polluted areas before they start chowing down.網友的建議和回應如此強烈,以至於專家都出來幫腔,認為這個「吃貨戰略」確有一定的合理性。環境管理和野生動物專家李成告訴中新社,用這種方式解決入侵物種是「可行的有效的」。他唯一擔心的是,吃貨們在大快朵頤時要注意避開污染區域的生蚝。The Danish embassy in China said today that they will forward Chinese netizens』 creative ideas to relevant officials for consideration, and Denmark can export the oysters to China as long as they get permission.丹麥駐華大使館今天表示,他們會將網友的這麼有創意的想法轉給相關部門考量,並且只要得到許可,丹麥就可以出口生蚝到。完成

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