3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在南航為領導安排11排邀功,國航在和乘客為了能不能登機互撕的時候。東航上了三哥的新聞。雖然三哥極力抹黑東航,但是奈何智商不夠,反而被人笑掉大牙。阿三時報 的原文截圖,接下來我把三哥的全部報道在下邊貼一下。重點部分我會加粗提示。JALANDHAR: The standoff between India and China at Doklam seems to have changed the attitude of Chinese staffers at Shanghai airport towards Indian passengers.Narrating what he experienced and witnessed on August 6 during his stopover at Shanghai Pudong airport in his letter to minister of external affairs Sushma Swaraj, North American Punjabi Association executive director Satnam Singh Chahal has urged her to take up the matter with her Chinese counterpart, reports The Times of India.Chahal has also requested Swaraj to issue an advisory to Indian passengers to avoid travelling through China during their international flights. In his letter Chahal has alleged that Indian passengers using wheelchairs while changing flights were even being abandoned by airport staffers midway.「On August 6, 2017, I caught my China Eastern Airlines flight number MU564 from New Delhi to San Francisco. On my way to the United States, I had to stop at Shanghai Pudong to catch my next flight number MU 589 of the same airlines for San Francisco. During the transit process at Shanghai Pudong, I noticed that at the exit gate of the airplane for wheelchair passengers, ground staff was insulting passengers of Indian origin,」 Chahal wrote in his letter to Swaraj while urging her to take up the issue with her Chinese counterpart.「Wheelchair carriers were leaving Indian-origin passengers in the middle of their destination at the airport. I saw them (passengers) running from pillar to post to reach their departure gate,」 he said, while adding that at the same time airline staffers were very sympathetic with the passengers.Narrating his personal experience further, Chahal added, 「When I reached the counter I asked for help of the officer who was deputed to do that. Instead of giving any help, the said officer jumped on me with anger without any reason. When he was shouting at me, his other fellow staff members were making fun of me. Due to the language barrier, I failed to understand what was going on with them. I could not understand the reasons for their frustration. At one point, I was thinking that they are having some misunderstanding about me as I am a turbaned Sikh but soon I noticed from their body language that they were frustrated from the rising border tension between India and China.」.上邊這些話翻譯成中文就是:《印度時報》10日報道稱,印度裔的北美旁遮普人聯合會執行董事查哈爾日前致信印度外交部長斯瓦拉吉,講述了他在上海浦東機場所遭到的「不公正待遇」,並要求印方就這一事件同中方交涉,以及發布一項公告,提醒印度乘客在乘坐國際航班時避免途經。查哈爾在信中寫道:「2017年8月6日,我乘坐東方航空MU564航班從新德里前往舊金山。在浦東機場轉機時,我看到在一個供輪椅乘客使用的出口大門處,地勤人員正在指責印度裔乘客。」查哈爾還抱怨說,「推輪椅的工作人員把印度乘客扔在半道上,令他們不得不著急地跑向登機口」。在描述了看到的這些情形之後,查哈爾還講述了他的個人遭遇。他說,「當我到櫃檯尋求幫助時,對方不但沒有幫我,反而莫名其妙地沖我發火」。查哈爾繼續抱怨道,「當他沖我咆哮時,他的其他同伴還嘲笑我」。無獨有偶,這種殘疾人突然能站起來的事情,在2014年世界盃也曾經發生過,當時美西打破僵局,讓阿根廷1:0絕殺伊朗。感人至深的一幕就發生了。東航這兩年來的進步有目共睹,在國航旺季里程兌換瘋長,南航頭等艙里程暴漲的時候,東航還是能不時推出里程兌換打折,並且除了春節之外,基本不做屏蔽,實在是業內良心,就這樣阿三居然還來抹黑,實在讓小編不能忍。至於阿三為什麼喜歡輪椅,看一下這個截圖:而昨天,東航官微也對該報道做出了回應:最後,小編十分欣賞東航再打擊阿三時做出的貢獻。延伸閱讀:東航部分航線5折里程兌換促銷!覆蓋國慶!距離818東航里程6折兌換還有10天

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