3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

你有與別人經常用英語交流嗎?你的英語基礎怎麼樣呢?下面我們就來學習一下關於天氣的英語口語短語。1.breezy a. 有微風的,通風的A: It's a nice morning, breezy and pleasant.甲:早上微風習習,天氣宜人。B: Yeah. That's the reason why I like the weather here.乙:是啊,這就是我喜歡這兒的天氣的原因。2.cool a. 涼快的A: Nice and cool. Look,how about a walk along the river?甲:天氣真好,還挺涼爽。嗨,我們到河邊走走怎麼樣?B: Good idea. Let's go.乙:好主意。我們走吧。3.fresh a. 新鮮的A: Everything looks so fresh and green.甲:一切看起來都那麼清新翠綠。B: I thought it would rain today.乙:我原以為今天會下雨。4.glorious a. 令人愉快的,非常高興的A: It's a glorious day.甲:天氣真好。B: You bet.乙:不錯。5.lonely a. 令人愉快的,美好的A: Lovely day, isn't it?甲:天氣不錯,是吧?B: Yeah,I really like this kind of weather.乙:是啊,我非常喜歡這種天氣。6.marvelous a. 了不起的,妙極的A: The summer is marvelous here.甲:這兒的夏季好極了。B: Yeah. It's so pleasant to spend summer here in the mountains.乙:不錯。在山中避署真是很愜意。7.moonlight a. 月光的,月光下的A: The moonlight is amazing tonight. Let's go out and enjoy the air.甲:真是月華如水。讓我們出去換換空氣吧。B: All right. Let's do it.乙:好的。我們走吧。8.promising a. 有希望的A: It looks to be a promising day.甲:今天天氣看上去不錯。B: Yeah, at least it's much better than yesterday.乙:是啊,至少比昨天好多了。9.shine v. 照耀A: Well, the sun is shining.甲:啊,真是陽光燦爛。B: And it is calm. I love the peace.乙:還靜悄悄的,我愛極了這種寧靜的感覺。10.starry a. 布滿星星的A: It's such a starry night.甲:繁星似錦。B: Really. We can see millions of stars in the sky.乙:是啊。在天空中我們能看到無數的星星。

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