3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Everywhere you look these days you can find information on dieting, and you've probably tried or at least contemplated some of the more common dieting methods such as fasting, acupuncture therapy, or liposuction, just to name a few. But after watching so many people go through the motions and seeing the results for myself I've come to realise that if you're looking for a healthy, muscular physique – and more than just a slim waist line – that can only be obtained through exercise.市面上有很多減肥方法,你或許曾嘗試過或至少考慮過節食、針灸、抽脂等各種方式,但在我看了許多人的減肥經歷以及結果后發現,如果你除了想要苗條的身材以外,還注重身體的線條及健康,那麼最最推薦的減肥方式依然是健身。So where do we start from? What kind of exercises can we do to help us lose weight? Generally speaking all exercises fall in to one of the following categories; weight lifting and cardio. Though a balance between the two is necessary for any exercise routine, it is the latter we are more interested in if we are looking to lose a few pounds.那麼從哪裡開始呢?什麼樣的鍛煉會協助我們減肥呢?一般而言,所有的鍛煉可以歸類成無氧和有氧。雖然一個完善的健身計劃需要適當地包括這兩者,但如果你更側重於減肥,後者才是我們最要關注的。 There are dozens if not hundreds of different forms of cardio exercises to choose from, so how do we know which ones are for us? First and foremost, my advice is to work with your preferences. You shouldn't be forcing yourself to run on the treadmill for an hour if you detest running indoors – that's the perfect formula for failure.你有幾十個甚至上百個不同的有氧項目可選,但我們如何知道哪個項目最適合自己以及效果最好呢?首先我的建議是先從你的個人喜愛開始。千萬不要明知自己不喜歡在室內跑步的情況下逼著自己花一小時的時間在跑步機上跑,這將是失敗的計劃。 Secondly, you need to consider efficiency. If you're taking 30 or 60 minutes out of your busy day to do some cardio, you want to make sure you're using that time effectively.其次,你需要考慮效率的問題。如果你從一天的百忙中只能抽出30-60分鐘的時間做有氧,你一定要確保將這段時間用的非常充分。Thirdly, we need to take your current level of fitness and general health in to consideration. The impact each exercise has on your body will differ. If you suffer from arthritis, for example, running and aerobics classes may not be for you as they are considered as high-impact activities. Instead you might want to consider swimming or cycling as they will have less impact on your joints. Be aware of your limitations, start slowly, and stay safe.第三,你需要去考慮目前自身的健康狀況以及鍛煉可以承受的強度。每個鍛煉項目對你身體的影響是不同的。如果你患有關節炎,那麼跑步和有氧運動課程這類高強度的鍛煉項目可能並不適合你。你需要考慮游泳或騎腳踏車,這類鍛煉項目會對你關節的損傷較小。認清自己的情況,慢慢來,注意安全。 And finally, we need to take availability in to consideration. Put simple, how convenient it is to place the exercise in to your schedule. If you want to use an elliptical, you either need to make a huge investment and buy one for your home, or get a gym membership. But if you want to go for a walk, you just need to put on a pair of trainers and step outside.而最後,我們需要鍛煉項目具有可利用性。簡單地說,就是每次做這項鍛煉項目的便捷程度。比如你想使用橢圓機,你需要付出很大的投資 — 在家添置一台這樣的機器或在健身房辦張會員卡。但如果你想散步,你只需要穿上運動鞋走出門即可。 Below is an analysis of the ten most common cardio exercises for your consideration. Be sure to select the one that best fits your personal situation.以下是10種最常見的有氧鍛煉項目的分析,供參考。根據自己的情況判斷哪項最適合自己。 NB: The amount of calories burned per activity will differ from person to person as many factors need to be taken in to account such as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), your sleep patterns and your nutritional intake etc., so the numbers provided are for reference only.注意:每項運動所消耗的卡路里數量是因人而異的,該數據作為平均值供大家參考。還涉及到包括基礎代謝、睡眠及飲食等其他方面的因素。 Key 備註:Effectiveness 效果:1 ineffective to 5 effective一星為最無效,五星為最有效Safety 安全性:1 high-impact to 5 low-impact 一星為最不安全,五星為最安全 Availability可利用性:1 high requirements to 5 low requirements一星為所需條件最繁瑣,五星為所需條件最便捷 Rank 排名 10Rowing Machine 划船機Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):550Effectiveness效果: ★★★☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★☆Availability可利用性:★★☆☆☆Note: More experienced gym-rats can make better use of this equipment and increase its effectiveness.說明:有經驗的人可以更好地利用此設備,提高它的效果。Rank 排名 9Yoga 瑜伽Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):200Effectiveness效果: ★☆☆☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★☆Availability可利用性:★★★★☆Note: Good for beginners, strengthening joint muscles and improving flexibility.說明:適合新手,可以加強關節周圍的肌肉,提高你的靈活性。Rank 排名 8Stepmill 樓梯機Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):700Effectiveness效果:★★★★☆Safety安全性:★★★★☆Availability可利用性:★★☆☆☆Note: Good for beginners as it』s easy on the joints and can be adjusted to suit your level.說明:適合新手,因為對關節的影響較小,強度可調整到適合自己的等級Rank 排名 7freestyle 自游泳Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):550Effectiveness 效果:★★★☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★★Availability 可利用性:★★☆☆☆Note: A good low-impact choice for those with knee and ankle pains. However, difficult to find a professional swimming pool with few other people to distract you as you do your laps.說明:對於下肢關節較弱的人而言是個較明智的選擇,因為它對關節的損傷較小。但你很難找到專業並且人少的游泳場地允許你不限時地游泳。Rank 排名 6Elliptical 橢圓機Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):600Effectiveness效果:★★★☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★☆Availability可利用性:★★★☆☆Note: Available in most gyms, easy on the joints and relatively efficient.說明:大部分健身房都有這個設備,對關節損傷較小且效果較好。Rank 排名 5Aerobics classes 有氧運動訓練班Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):800Effectiveness效果:★★★★☆Safety安全性:★★★☆☆Availability可利用性:★★★☆☆Note: Available free in most gyms and highly efficient. However, before you build up sufficient muscles around your ankles and knees, you might want to consider wearing some form of protection.說明:大部分健身房都有免費的課程可以參與,效果較好。注意,在你下肢關節周圍的肌肉還未發達前,記得保護。Rank 排名 4Spin Bike 動感腳踏車Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):630Effectiveness效果:★★★☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★☆Availability可利用性:★★★★☆Note: Easily found at your local gym and very easy on the joints. Overall a good choice for any level of gym-rat.說明:幾乎所有健身房都有這個設備,對關節的影響相當低。總的來說從任何角度來考量都是一個好的選擇。Rank 排名 3Walking 慢走Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):250Effectiveness 效果:★☆☆☆☆Safety安全性:★★★★★Availability 可利用性:★★★★★Note: The safest and most available form of cardio available to anyone, however, it is also the least efficient. Only recommended for the middle-aged people or people who are recovering from injury.說明:最安全,可利用性最高的有氧鍛煉,不過,效果是最低的。只推薦給中老年人和一些受傷后做康復訓練的人群使用。Rank 排名 2Jogging (indoors/outdoors) 慢跑(室內/室外)Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):550Effectiveness效果:★★★☆☆Safety安全性:★★★☆☆Availability可利用性:★★★★★Note: A good choice for all levels. Be sure to wear the correct trainers, as well as ankle and knee protection to protect your joints if you are jogging on a treadmill or hard surface.說明:對所有不同水平的人而言都是好的選擇。注意一定要選擇適合自己的跑鞋。如果你選擇在跑步機或較硬的道路上慢跑,一定要保護好自己的關節。Rank 排名 1Running (indoors/outdoors) 跑步(室內/室外)Calories burned per hour 熱量消耗(卡/時):1000Effectiveness效果:★★★★★Safety安全性:★★☆☆☆Availability可利用性:★★★★★Note: Once you've mastered jogging, slowly build up your speed to a run. Be sure to wear the correct trainers, as well as ankle and knee protection to protect your joints if you are running on a treadmill or a hard surface.說明:慢跑得心應手后,慢慢加快速度至跑步水平。注意一定要選擇適合自己的跑鞋。如果你選擇在跑步機或較硬的道路上慢跑,一定要保護好自己的關節。 As you can see, running is by far the most efficient form of cardio.Regardless which activity you chose, remember to warm up and stretch before and after exercising. Some injuries are impossible to come back from so make sure you take measures to protect yourself from unnecessary harm.顯而易見,跑步的效果是最好的。但無論是哪一種運動方式,我們都不能忘記運動前的熱身和運動前後的拉伸。做好了這兩項才能有效防止運動可能帶來的傷害,畢竟有些運動傷害是不可逆的。 In order to create the body you are longing for, relying solely on cardio exercise is not going to cut it. You need to include anaerobic exercise to your routine, eat healthily, take control of your biological clock and get a sufficient amount of sleep. Failing on either of these will only impede your progress.想要達到滿意的身材僅僅靠有氧運動是不夠的,還需要配合無氧運動、健康的飲食以及良好且有規律的睡眠。這三者缺一不可且相輔相成。 Additional Tips 提示:1. Do your cardio in the morning before breakfast for the best results.為了達到更好的效果,將有氧運動放於早餐前最佳2. Be sure to warm up and stretch first.做好熱身運動及拉伸3. Listen to upbeat music with a rhythm to help you keep pace.利用一些有節奏感的音樂,協助你的鍛煉。 部分資料來源於網路 —— END ——更多內容歡迎關注微信公眾號:KingsCross

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