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為了幫助大家高效備考托福,熟悉托福閱讀辭彙,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來托福閱讀辭彙解析(78)一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注新東方在線托福網!TPO 28中篇diversedistinct,varied多樣的SimilarBut these things come together because of our ability to work with one another and find common purpose no matter how diverse we might be.albeitalthough儘管While I was at the talk I attended, this type of process is exactly what I did, albeit rather quickly and partly subconsciously, in determining that I would go again.frontierborder,boundary邊界Their families say that the three were simply hiking on the Iraqi side of the border and if they crossed the unmarked frontier into Iran, they did so entirely by accident.semiarid半乾旱The infection is not transmitted person to person and is caused by the fungus Coccidioides immitis, which is found in soil in certain semiarid areas of North and South America.shallowlow,thin淺DeepIt not only shows how people lived at the time is also of great interest to natural scientists because the waters around it are so shallow.plainprairie平原LowlandIt is the coastal plain, and that provides, or that is the main highway out of Egypt or down to Egypt.antelope羚羊"The marks on the inside of one antelope jaw showed they cut out the tongue, " White said.aboundthrive,prosper,flourish大量存在Finally, offer this closing prayer to the Lord: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.extinctvanish絕跡The authors argue the version of the disease that caused the medieval plague is likely extinct, but suggest that further study could reveal how it may have evolved into a less virulent strain.susceptiblevulnerable敏感的InvulnerableAfter all, if the government will never allow you to fail due to the problems the public would face, then you cannot be treated like other firms, since you are not susceptible to failure.distributionspreading,scattering分部The principle of distribution in communist society is 「from each according to his ability」and 「to each according to his needs」.sparsebare,scarce零散的DenseWhile it takes up more space, it offers more flexibility, as you can remove any file or package you might not wish to have, that you may not be able to do with a sparse model.respondreply,react反應IgnoreLet us respond.Let us rise as one man in defence of our motherland.droughtscarcity乾旱, 缺乏AbundancePeople in Somalia are particularly hard hit as they try to survive the twin disasters of conflict and drought.regularnormal,steady,common有規律的, 經常的inconsistent,unusualIf so,how many chords are involved in this chord change and are they changing at a regular or irregular rate?constantlycontinuous不斷地IrregularYou have to constantly evaluate the productivity of the team and assess the remaining Backlog to determine if it can be reduced to zero.herdcrowd,pack群SingleAs I understand it, people are influenced by the people around them. That we act, like buffalo, in a herd.knittie,bind聯合If your body is game enough to knit itself back together after a hard physical lesson, to make scar tissue, that means you』re still alive, means you』re on the path toward healing.breedreproduce繁殖Ideally, you could go online, pick out what breed you want, and it would come to your door with a red bow on it.unitgroups,sections分部, 小組One way is to have a thorough set of unit tests for the code: the code should pass the tests both before and after refactoring.disciplinedinstruct守規矩的While software development cannot be successful without disciplined, motivated people, experimentation and feedback are more effective than trying to get things right the first time.capturearrest,catch捕捉As always, the unit tests for that class should capture the functionality for each of its methods.confinelimit,restrain符合,約束You've identified names and their components along with cities and states, so you can search for strings and confine the hits to those elements.permanentlong-lasting,enduring,constant永久的TemporaryActually, you have: I』m talking about demands that we make all of the Bush tax cuts, not just those for the middle class, permanent.associationfriendship,organization聯盟If you decide to visit a zoo ask whether it adheres to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums』 Code of Ethics before you enter.annualyearly每年的It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.migrationrelocation,resettlement遷徙Because of this and other differences in the two versions, we recommend that you test the maps after migration.geneticnative,innate,natural基因的LearnedSometimes it is because in the new population, the genetic background for their other genes masks the effect of gene A on depression.maintainuphold,sustain,retain保持DestroyEvery line of code that you add to the infrastructure is another line of code that you have to maintain.offspringdescendants,children後代All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.diminishdecline, reduce, decrease下降rise, increase, growBut our minds are not evolved to think about strangers, and we obsess, needlessly, about what people think of us and how these insults will diminish us in the eyes of others.inbreed近親繁殖The genetic variation and correlation of quality characters of 74 inbreed lines which were parents of elite hybridize varieties that were grew widely.yieldproduce, generate產出,生產Because you』reearning interest on your interest, the yield — an average of 5.52% per year —is higher than the interest rate.supplyfund, resourse供給DearthWe felt like if we could target that, it would be the key to every ischemic disease, 」 in which tissue dies for want of an adequate blood supply—and therefore oxygen.domesticatedtrain, tame家養的I wonder have any of you reflected on, I don't want to call it shadow side, is not domesticated.tameddomesticated馴養的WildI sit beside it, reading or drinking my coffee, as though it is some sort of tamed, predictable animal that has no closer connection with me.introducedpresent引進的Substitution characters can be introduced at this point as well, if the serialized XML contains characters not representable in the database code page, or not representable in the client code page.juxtapositioncombination並列From this day she forced herself to take pains to avoid him - never allowing herself, as formerly, to remain long in his company, even if their juxtaposition were purely accidental.intimatedetailed, thorough完全的, 詳細的SuperficialSome people feel that, because they are in an intimate relationship, they have the right to express themselves, whenever, for whatever reason.possessionproperties財產, 所有物Then try living without the possession, knowing what your back-up plan is, and see if life is really that scary without the illusion of security.unsophisticatedsimple, basic簡單的AdvancedThere are still a surprising number of finance professionals who struggle to use even unsophisticated accounting software.adz手斧It is suggested that the mechanism of ADZ making encysted larva lethal is inhibiting metabolism of glycogen, RNA, and DNA, and ATP production.polishedrefined, smooth磨光的, 打磨的rough, dullAt Stage Two, we help companies of all sizes create exceptional user experiences and polished products, because we believe this is an investment utterly worth making.remarkableoutstanding,extraordinary顯著的, 非凡的OrdinaryBeing remarkable matters if you want to love what you do, not just the result of your actions.artisticarty, imaginative藝術的So even to-day, when we fail to see the truth of religion, we seek in its observance an artistic gratification.endeavorsefforts努力In each of these endeavors, I believe that the Russian people share our goals, and will benefit from success -- and we need to partner together.preservedreserve, conserve保留DestroyThe current service interface and behavior is preserved as one version, while the newer service is introduced as another version.pastoralrustic, rural畜牧的, 鄉村的UrbanWhen I speak to my archbishop in San Francisco and his role is to try to change my mind on the subject, well then he is exercising his pastoral duty to me as one of his flock.grazefeed放牧, 喂草And by the time you come back through the loop, this area now has pasture to graze.deterioratedworsen, weaken惡化BetterIt is saddening to see that relations between the two countries should have deteriorated to the present state.vanisheddisappear消失AppearOf course, I remembered all this only after she vanished, it was then I realized how much I counted on seeing her each morning.fataldeadly致命的The more people who have the virus, the more virus particles there are for that one, fatal mutation to appear in.savannagrassland, plain草原As they travel inland atspeeds in excess of 60 feet a year, they merge with the rich grass andscattered trees of the savanna.sorghum高粱But some plants, including maize and sorghum, have evolved to use a type called C4.millet小米We boil them and pound them and add a little salt, then we put them with the millet husks, which are all we have left now.barley大麥Therefore he said unto his servants, See, Joab's field is near mine, and he hath barley there; go and set it on fire.practicalapplied實踐的TheoreticalThe new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too.想要提高英語辭彙量,光看這些還不夠!授人以魚不如授人以漁!新東方十年功勛教師老司機唐悅寧老師親授18種英語辭彙記憶法教你如何事半功倍地掌握10000+托福單詞!18種方法,總有一款適合你!適用人群:凡是覺得背單詞難的同學戳圖查看詳情↓↓↓↓

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