3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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雙邊訪問:應俄羅斯聯邦總統普京、德意志聯邦共和國總統施泰因邁爾和總理默克爾邀請,國家主席習近平將於7月3日至6日對上述兩國進行國事訪問。At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to the two countries from July 3 to 6. 應德意志聯邦共和國總理默克爾邀請,國家主席習近平將出席7月7日至8日在德國漢堡舉行的二十國集團領導人第十二次峰會。At the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Xi Jinping will attend the 12th G20 Summit in Hamburg on July 7 and 8. 外交部將於6月29日(星期四)上午9:00在南樓新聞發布廳(藍廳)舉行中外媒體吹風會,請外交部、財政部和商務部有關負責人介紹習近平主席對俄羅斯、德國進行國事訪問並出席在德國漢堡舉行的二十國集團領導人第十二次峰會有關情況。歡迎大家參加。This Thursday at 9 a.m., officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce will hold a press briefing on President Xi Jinping's state visits to Russia and Germany and attendance at the 12th G20 Summit in Hamburg. We welcome your attendance. 台灣問題:問:「中華民國(台灣)駐厄瓜多商務處」近日更名為「台北駐厄瓜多商務處」。此前,台灣駐阿聯酋迪拜的代表處也更名。台灣方面表示,有多個駐「非邦交國」代表處遭中方「打壓」被要求更名。中方對此有何回應?Q: Following the changing of the name of Taiwan's trade office in Dubai, its trade mission in Ecuador has recently changed its name from "the Commercial Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan)" to "the Commercial Office of Taipei". Taiwan said that China exerted pressure on several countries who are not Taiwan's allies to have the names of Taiwan's representative offices changed. How do you respond to that? 答:政府對厄瓜多政府本著一個原則處理涉台問題表示高度肯定和讚賞。這一事實再一次充分表明,堅持一個原則是國際社會的人心所向、大勢所趨。這決不是一個所謂政府施壓的問題。A: The Chinese government highly commends the Ecuadorian government for dealing with Taiwan-related issues in line with the one-China principle. What it proves once and again is that upholding the one-China principle has become a shared view and an irreversible trend of the international community. It has nothing to do with the Chinese government putting pressure on others. 中-美關係問題:問:美國國務院今天晚些時候將發布《販賣人口報告》。據報道,該報告將人權狀況調為最差等級。中方有何回應?Q: The US State Department will unveil later today the annual Trafficking in Persons Report, rating China among countries of the worst record when it comes to human trafficking. What is your response to this? 答:這實際上不是一個新問題,中方立場大家也十分清楚。政府打擊拐賣人口犯罪的決心堅定不移,取得的成效有目共睹。中方堅決反對美方根據其國內法對別國打擊拐賣人口工作說三道四。A: This is not a new question, and the Chinese government's position on that is clear to all, that is, we are resolute in combating human trafficking. The progress that we have made is also obvious. We are firmly opposed to the irresponsible remarks made by the US based on its domestic law about others' efforts against human trafficking. 我們始終認為,拐賣犯罪是世界各國面臨的共同犯罪問題,任何國家都不可能獨善其身。中方願與各國一道,在相互尊重的基礎上加強合作,攜手打擊拐賣人口犯罪。The Chinese side always believes that no country can stay aloof from the fight against human trafficking as it is a crime plaguing the whole world. The Chinese side will step up cooperation with other countries to crack down on human trafficking based on mutual respect.中-俄關係問題問:你剛才說習近平主席將訪問俄羅斯,訪問是7月3日開始嗎?將持續幾天?討論哪些問題?你能否透露更多信息?中方對此訪有何期待?Q: You just said that President Xi Jinping is going to visit Russia. Does the visit start on July 3? How long will it last? What topics will be discussed by the two sides? Can you give us more details and tell us China's expectation for the visit? 答:中俄兩國是全面戰略協作夥伴,當前雙邊關係保持高水平運行,處於歷史最好時期。剛才我已經說了,應普京總統邀請,習近平主席將於7月3日開始對俄羅斯進行國事訪問。訪問期間,習近平主席將同普京總統舉行會談並會見俄方其他領導人,就如何在當前形勢下進一步深化中俄全面戰略協作夥伴關係、提高兩國合作水平充分交換意見。雙方也會就當前一些國際社會共同關注的、也是中俄雙方共同關心的熱點問題交換看法。A: As comprehensive strategic partners of coordination, China and Russia have seen their relationship developing at a high level and at its best. As I just said, at the invitation of President Putin, President Xi Jinping will kick off his state visit to Russia on July 3, during which he will hold talks with President Putin and meet with other Russian leaders for an exchange of views on how to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination and elevate bilateral cooperation. The two sides will also discuss hotspot issues of common concern. 關於訪問的具體行程安排,我們會及時發布消息。剛才我也說過,後天上午外交部等部門相關負責人將在這裡舉行中外媒體吹風會,介紹更多具體情況並回答大家提問。As for the schedule of the visit, we will make it public in due course. A press briefing on the visit will be held here on Thursday morning, during which you will be given more details and your questions will be taken.-東亞關係問題:問:據了解,中日雙方曾商定於今年上半年舉行第七輪海洋事務高級別磋商。請問磋商具體時間、地點和議題是什麼?Q: China and Japan have agreed to hold the seventh high-level consultation on maritime affairs in the first half of this year. Can you tell us the date, venue and topics of the consultation? 答:正如你所說,中日雙方在第六輪海洋事務高級別磋商時決定,今年上半年在日本舉行第七輪磋商。經雙方商定,中日第七輪海洋事務高級別磋商將於6月29日至30日在日本福岡舉行,來自雙方外交、防務、海上執法和海洋管理等部門的人員將參加。A: It was decided at the sixth China-Japan high-level consultation on maritime affairs that the seventh consultation will be held in the first half of this year. As agreed by the two sides, the consultation will take place in Fukuoka, Japan on June 29 and 30. Officials from departments of foreign affairs, defence, maritime law enforcement and management of the two sides will attend the consultation. 中日海洋事務高級別磋商機制是雙方涉海事務的綜合性溝通協調機制,中方期待在本輪磋商中與日方就共同關心的涉海問題充分交換意見,增進彼此了解和互信。The high-level consultation mechanism is a comprehensive communication and coordination mechanism between the two countries for maritime affairs. The Chinese side expects to exchange in-depth views with the Japanese side on maritime issues at the consultation with the aim of nurturing greater mutual understanding and trust. 朝鮮半島問題:問:據韓聯社報道,27日,韓國官員稱,韓統一部已同意尤金貝爾基金會向朝鮮輸送包括肺結核藥物和醫院建築材料等物資的申請,有關物資將於7月經運至朝南浦港。報道稱,此系韓新政府首次批准對朝輸送物資。中方對此有何評論?Q: According to the Yonhap News Agency, the ROK's Unification Ministry has approved the Eugene Bell Foundation Korea's application to send medication for tuberculosis and materials to build hospital wards to the DPRK. The shipment will be transported to the DPRK's western port city of Nampo via China in July. The report said that it marked the first approval by the new Seoul government for a shipment to the DPRK. What is your comment on that? 答:我們注意到有關報道。如果此事屬實,當然是好事。我們已經多次說過,朝韓作為同一民族,改善相互關係,推進和解合作,符合雙方根本利益,也有利於促進本地區和平與發展。中方願為此提供必要支持。A: We have noted the report. If that is true, then it is a piece of good news. People of the DPRK and the ROK are from the same nationality. Improvement of the bilateral relationship and progress in reconciliation and cooperation serve the fundamental interests of the two sides and contribute to regional peace and development. The Chinese side is ready to provide necessary support. 特別是在當前形勢下,我們希望朝韓雙方能夠繼續並更多相互釋放善意,為推動半島緊張局勢緩和、重啟對話協商發揮積極作用。We hope that the DPRK and the ROK will, under the current circumstances in particular, continue to show each other their goodwill, and play a positive role in lowering the tension on the Korean Peninsula and restarting dialogue and consultation.-南亞關係問題:問:昨天,外交部回應了印度邊防人員在中印邊界錫金段跨界進入境內事件。印方是否已經採取措施解決中方的關切?該事件最新進展如何?Q: According to the Foreign Ministry's statement yesterday, some Indian border guards crossed into the Chinese territory at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary. Has the Indian side taken any steps to remove China's concern? What is the latest on this issue? 答:關於印度邊防人員在中印邊界錫金段界內挑起事端的事情,昨天國防部和外交部發言人已經先後作出表態。A: Yesterday, spokespersons of both the Defence Ministry and the Foreign Ministry of China have made statement on Indian border troops' trespass and provoking of troubles at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary. 我在這裡要強調,印度邊防人員在中印邊界錫金段越界進入境內,阻撓邊防部隊在洞朗地區的正常活動,我們已經採取了相應的應對措施。就你剛才所提到的問題,中方在北京和新德里都已經向印度方面提出了嚴正交涉,表明了我們的嚴正立場。我在這裡必須指出,中方對發展中印友好關係是有誠意的,同時中方維護自身主權權益的立場也是堅定不移的。我們要求印度方面迅速採取正確措施,立即將非法越界進入境內的人員撤回邊界線印度一側。It is the Indian border troops who crossed into the Chinese territory and obstructed the Chinese border troops' normal activities in Doklam. We have taken proportionate measures in response. As for the question you asked, the Chinese side has lodged representations with the Indian side both in Beijing and Delhi, expressing our solemn position. I must say that China is sincere about developing friendly relations with India but is also resolute in safeguarding its own sovereignty and interests. We hope that the Indian side will work with us, take swift and correct measures to bring those who crossed into China back to the Indian side of the boundary. 問:中方昨天表示,中印邊境出現的情況使印度香客朝聖受阻。這300多名印度香客接下來幾周該怎麼辦?中方是否會為他們提供妥善安排還是會繼續拒絕他們?Q: The Foreign Ministry statement said that the situation on the boundary was the reason why the arrangements for Indian pilgrims were being delayed. I just want to ask what about the remaining 300 pilgrims who are supposed to be undertaking this very important pilgrimage in the next few weeks, will China make arrangements for them or will they be denied? 答:關於印度邊防人員非法進入境內問題,剛才我已經重申了中方的嚴正立場和要求,我不再重複。A: I have stated China's solemn position and requirement concerning the Indian border troops' illegal entry into China. I will not repeat it. 關於印度官方香客經中印邊界錫金段乃堆拉山口進入赴西藏朝聖的問題,我相信印度民眾十分清楚,長期以來,政府從中印友好關係大局出發,克服巨大困難,做了大量工作,為印度官方香客赴西藏朝聖提供了必要便利。但是,近日印度邊防人員在中印邊界錫金段越界進入中方境內,中方已採取必要和緊急的應對措施。同時,出於安全考慮,我們不得不暫緩安排印度官方香客團經過中印邊界錫金段乃堆拉山口入藏朝聖,我們已通過外交渠道告訴了印度政府。As for the trip by Indian officially-organized pilgrims to Xi Zang via the Nathu-la mountain pass in the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary, I believe that the Indian public are fully aware of the enormous efforts made and the convenience provided by the Chinese government against all odds in the interests of China-India friendly relations. Recently, the Indian border troops crossed into the Chinese territory at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary, and in response to that, we have taken necessary and emergency measures. In the meantime, we have to put off arranging for Indian officially-organized pilgrims' entry into Xi Zang via the Nathu-la pass out of security concerns. We have informed the Indian government through the diplomatic channel. 至於你問到的下一步安排,這當然是需要印度方面首先採取必要措施緩解由於非法進入境內造成的安全緊張,為印度官方香客經乃堆拉山口赴藏朝聖創造必要條件。As for what is coming next, it is a matter of course that the Indian side should take necessary measures to alleviate the tension caused by their border troops' illegal entry, and create conditions for their pilgrims' travel to Xi Zang via the Nathu-la pass. 會後有記者問及:中方認為中印邊界錫金段已經劃定,你能否介紹該段邊界是如何確定的?是依據哪些條約確定的?印度政府何時、通過何種方式予以確認的?After the press conference, a journalist asked: Since China believes that the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary has been defined, can you tell us how it was defined, based on which treaty, when it was confirmed by the Indian government and how? 答:中印邊界錫金段具有明確的法律依據。1890年《中英會議藏印條約》第一款規定:「藏哲之界,以自布坦交界之支莫摯山起,至廓爾喀邊界止,分哲屬梯斯塔及近山南流諸小河,藏屬莫竹及近山北流諸小河分水流之一帶山頂為界」。條約中所說的「哲」就是哲孟雄,是錫金的古稱。根據這一條約,印軍越界地區毫無疑問位於邊界線中方一側。中印邊界錫金段是中印兩國都承認的已定界,這是歷屆印度政府都承認的事實。印度領導人、印度政府有關文件,印方在中印邊界問題特別代表會晤中都確認,雙方對1890年簽訂的《中英會議藏印條約》所規定的中印邊界錫金段的走向擁有共識。遵守這些條約、文件的規定,是印方不容推卸的國際義務。A: There is solid legal evidence to support the delimitation of the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary. It is stated in article one of the Convention Between Great Britain and China Relating to Sikkim and Tibet (1890) that "the boundary of Sikkim and Tibet shall be the crest of the mountain range separating the waters flowing into the Sikkim Teesta and its affluents from the waters flowing into the Tibetan Mochu and northwards into other rivers of Tibet. The line commences at Mount Gipmochi on the Bhutan frontier, and follows the above-mentioned water-parting to the point where it meets Nipal territory." It is without any doubt that the spot where the Indian border troops trespassed is on the Chinese side of the boundary. Both China and the successive Indian governments recognize that the Sikkim section has been delimited. It has been confirmed by the Indian leader, the relevant Indian government document and the Indian delegation at the special representatives' meeting with China on the boundary question that India and China share common view on the 1890 convention's stipulation on the boundary alignment at the Sikkim section. To observe the relevant convention and document is the inescapable international obligation of the Indian side.中-非關係問題:問:昨天,迦納政府透露,在迦納副總統近期訪華后,中方將追加向迦納提供的貸款。你能否證實?Q: The Ghanaian government said yesterday that, following a visit by the Vice President of Ghana to China, China will offer more loans to Ghana. Can you confirm that? 答:迦納是在非洲的傳統友好國家和重要合作夥伴。上周,迦納副總統巴武米亞對華進行成功訪問,同中方領導人舉行了富有成果的會談、會見,雙方一致同意願在投融資、基礎設施、能礦、農業等領域深化友好互利合作,鼓勵兩國企業和金融機構加強互利合作。中方願同加方一道努力,以落實中非「十大合作計劃」為契機,推動中加互利友好合作不斷取得實實在在的成果。A: Ghana is a traditional friend and an important cooperative partner of China in Africa. Last week, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia of Ghana paid a successful visit to China, having productive talks and meetings with Chinese leaders. The two sides agreed to deepen friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in investment, financing, infrastructure, energy, mining, agriculture and other fields and encourage companies and financial institutions of the two sides to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation. China will work with Ghana to implement the "ten cooperation plans", and push ahead with mutually beneficial cooperation for tangible benefits. 問:索馬利亞邦特蘭政府官員稱,在邦特蘭地區海岸附近有一艘外國船隻發生爆炸,我們尚不知該船屬於哪個國家,請問是否為船隻?Q: Authorities in the Somalian region of Puntland say there has been an explosion aboard what they believe was a foreign ship off the Puntland coast. We don't know which country it is, but is there any information suggesting it might be a Chinese ship? 答:我不希望它是船隻。當然,無論哪個國家的船隻,發生這樣的事情總是不幸的。我也是剛剛聽說了這個情況,我的同事們正在進行了解。我目前沒有具體情況可以向你提供。A: I hope and pray that it is not a Chinese ship. But no matter which country this ship belongs to, what has happened is a tragedy. I have just heard about that, and my colleagues are checking on that. I have no details to offer at the moment.中東問題:問:新一輪敘利亞問題和談將於7月4至5日在阿斯塔納召開。敘利亞問題特使或外交部官員是否將與會?Q: The next round of Syria talks will be held in Astana on July 4 to 5. I wonder if the Chinese special envoy on Syria or any official from the Foreign Ministry will attend the talks? 答:敘利亞問題只能通過政治和外交途徑解決,這是中方的一貫立場。我們認為,無論是致力於落實停火止暴的阿斯塔納對話會,還是致力於推進政治解決進程的日內瓦和談,都是在向和平解決問題的方向作出積極努力。A: It is China's long-standing position that the Syria issue can only be resolved through political and diplomatic means. We believe that both the Astana talks which focus on realizing ceasefire and cessation of violence and the Geneva talks which aim at promoting political settlement are positive efforts for peaceful settlement. 當前,敘利亞局勢正處於關鍵階段,我們呼籲所有有關各方能夠從維護地區和平穩定的大局出發,相向而行,共同努力,一道為敘利亞問題的政治解決發揮建設性作用。The situation in Syria is at a crucial juncture where all relevant parties should bear in mind the overall peace and stability of the region, work for the shared goal, and jointly play a constructive role for the political settlement of the Syria issue. 至於你提到的具體問題,我可以告訴你,中方一向支持相關政治解決進程。我們希望7月4日在阿斯塔納舉行的和談能夠取得積極成果。關於中方派團與會的問題,有消息我們會及時發布。As for the particular question you asked, the Chinese side always supports the process of political settlement. We hope positive outcomes can be achieved in the Astana talks on July 4. Information about China's attendance will be released in due course. 外交部例行記者會(2017.06.19)翻吧

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