3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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6月25日口語獨立任務: Task 1 1. Which of the following groups would you like to join? Campus newspaper, hiking club or dorm improvement committee. 2. How would you advise somebody who was planning to come to your country to study abroad? Give details and examples to support your response. 3. The university is recruiting volunteers to help the community protecting the environment, which of the following would you choose to do? Pick up trash and litters on the street, plant trees and flowers, teach children about protecting the environment. 4. Nowadays many people move to cities for work and study. What advantages do moving to cities bring to people? 5. If one of your friends is always late for events and appointments, can you give some suggestion and advice to help him not be late next time? 6. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class you will choose to take? Give reason to explain your choose. 1) A financial course to help you manage money, 2) Car maintenance and repair 3) Review of Latin-American music. 7. Which of the following volunteer work would you choose? Helping readers to search for books on computers, reading to children, organizing books. 8. Among studying, exercising, and going shopping, which one would you like to do alone and why? 9. Your friend has a bad eating habit.What suggestions would you like to give the friend? 10. If your friend is dropping out of the college, do you think is a good thing? 11. Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you choose? Energy and environment, health and nutrition, or solar system? 12. Which one would you like to choose for your final project? Presentation, paper or video? 13. What activity do you think can cultivate children』s sense of responsibility? 14. What should parents do to help their children to succeed in school? 15. Which one of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning city park? 16. How do you usually reward yourself after work? 17. Talk about one of the many characteristics your country has which you consider different from the features of other countries. 18. Which subject do you want to learn most? Science history, art history or history of the world in the 20th century? 19. Describe one experience that your friend disappointed you and how you reacted to it. 20. Your friend is going to take a part-time job in college, please describe the advantages and disadvantages of doing a part-time job. Task 2 1. Some students like to learn by themselves, others prefer to share their ideas with others. Which one do you prefer? 2. Do you agree or disagree that parents put more pressure on students than ever before? 3. Your professor is asking you to help with some research on the weekend, but you have planned to go to your sister』s birthday party. Which would you choose? Explain why. 4. Some answer the phone and text a message in the middle of the conversation, what do you think of this behavior? Is it good or not? 5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussion makes students learn more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 6. Do you prefer to write a long essay or give a speech in front of class for an assignment? 7. Some people prefer to start their homework ahead, while others only get down to it before the due day. Which do you think is better and also why? 8. After high school graduation, some students choose to go to college immediately, others might take a gap year, which do you think is better? 9. Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? 10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that it is important to study history from ancestors? 11. Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help? 12. Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others』 opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better? 13. Which do you think is more important? Spend more time on accompanying your families or work and study. 14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that experienced doctors are better than young doctors? 15. Do you agree or disagree that celebrities such as artists and athletes should be the role model for people? 16. Do you agree or disagree that students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly? 17. Some people like to take less informative but interesting lectures, others like to take boring but more content rich lectures. Which do you prefer? 18. Which of the following can be better sources of news? Newspapers or TV? 19. Sine students prefer to study nine or ten months a year, others choose to be in school the whole year. Which do you think better. Why? 20. Do you agree or disagree that it』s acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors? 王笑,畢業於北京第二外國語學院,北京現任新東方北美項目部口語組組長,北京新東方優秀教師,提分排名高,曾任新東方研發中心口語研發員,參與編寫各班型多部教材,7年托福口語教學經驗,美洲學習生活多年,參與新東方所有一線班型教學,在強勢提分班型沖分班教學中得到學員們的高度認可。

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