3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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德視佳眼科(EuroEyes) 與漢堡經典Cyclassic的合作源遠流長,早在2011年我們就是賽服T恤贊助商。多年來,德視佳眼科(EuroEyes)也有自己組建了漢堡經典賽業餘腳踏車愛好者車隊積极參与其中。今年,毫無疑問,我們將在德視佳眼科(EuroEyes)創始人及醫療總監約根森博士的帶領下,作為合作夥伴及參賽選手出席並參與大賽。EuroEyes has long been closely associated with the Cyclassics as a sponsor, and presented the Finisher-T-Shirt in 2011. EuroEyes has had a team competing in this cycle race for the general public for years, and this year will be no exception as employees and partners of the Clinic Group will be led into the race by Dr. Jørn Jørgensen himself.德視佳眼科(EuroEyes)自己組建了漢堡經典賽業餘腳踏車愛好者車隊積極參賽EuroEyes has had a team competing in this cycle race for years.2017年8.20日,今年漢堡經典腳踏車賽如期開賽。早上的天氣溫度是12度,適宜的天氣,德視佳贊助的德國腳踏車賽如期開幕。「EuroEyes Cyclassics」 started in Aug.20th this year. In the morning of Aug. 20th, 2017, 「EuroEyes Cyclassics」, the largest one-day cycle race in Europe started off. 德視佳眼科(EuroEyes)作為該賽事的冠名贊助商,不僅積極參賽,還在比賽中展現了自己的風采。As the main sponsor of this race, EuroEyes took active participation and performed well.清晨6:30,德視佳眼科的參賽車隊整裝待發,隨時準備開始征程。好運總是青睞有準備的人!6:30 am, EuroEyes Cyclassics Race Team was waiting for the start. Good luck! 腳踏車賽現場,來諮詢眼睛問題的人也絡繹不絕,我們漢堡診所的姑娘們可忙壞了。德國漢堡腳踏車賽深受當地人的喜愛。德國也有很多近視但是熱愛運動的人群!德視佳漢堡經典賽上,德視佳眼科的團隊展示。The successful EuroEyes booth team Hamburg EuroEyes Cyclassics. 德視佳眼科EuroEyes專註於締造清晰視力,無論是近視、散光、老花還是白內障,都可以在這裡重獲清晰視界,就此告別眼鏡。EuroEyes is devoted to creating perfect vision. Whatever your eye is troubled with, myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia or cataract, you can get your clear vision back with the help of EuroEyes and say goodbye to glasses. 作為一家德國乃至歐洲的大型國際眼科診所,德視佳眼科(EuroEyes)在嚴格執行與德國一樣的標準。我們來自德國,並且我們的病人將得到在德國一樣安全標準的手術治療!As a reputable international clinic group with many clinics in Germany our medical treatments in China follow the same standards as in Germany.We are in China no "fake German Clinic" but absolutely real and we assure our Chinese patients that they can get the same high quality treatment and safety as our patients get it in Germany!

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