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Zi 字媒體

這兩天,一則機器人發明了自己的語言的新聞刷爆國外社交網路。《每日電訊報》、《都市捷運報》、《獨立報》、《鏡報》等各大媒體都「freak out」了……大致就是,Facebook研發的人工智慧發明了自己的語言,程序員恐慌了,趕緊關閉了機器。具體是怎麼回事呢?其實今年六月,《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)就發表了一篇文章:人工智慧發明出自己的非人類語言文章稱:Something unexpected happened recently at the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab. Researchers who had been training bots to negotiate with one another realized that the bots, left to their own devices, started communicating in a non-human language.Facebook人工智慧實驗室最近發生了一些匪夷所思的事情。一直訓練機器人之間相互談判的研究人員發現這些機器人偏離了原來的設定,開始用非人類語言進行交流。Not only does this appear to be nonsense, but the bots don』t really seem to be getting anywhere in the negotiation. The weird thing is, Facebook』s data shows that conversations like this sometimes still led to successful negotiations between the bots in the end. 儘管這些文字看起來好像是在胡言亂語,而且機器人之間似乎並沒有真正達成某些協議,但詭異的是,Facebook 的數據顯示,這樣的對話有時仍然能夠使機器人之間成功達成談判。看到這裡,是不是覺得細思恐極,並想起了《終結者》(The Terminator),然後抖了三抖......這兩天,反射弧更長的幾家媒體突然緩過勁來,一窩蜂報道起這起「詭異」事件。《每日電訊報》(The Telegraph):Researchers at Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research built a chatbot earlier this year that was meant to learn how to negotiate by mimicking human trading and bartering.Facebook人工智慧研究室今年早些時候建了一個聊天機器人,目的是學習如何模仿人類達成交易和物品交換的協議。But when the social network paired two of the programs, nicknamed Alice and Bob, to trade against each other, they started to learn their own bizarre form of communication.然而,當社交網路把兩個名叫Alice和Bob的機器人配對起來交換物品時,他們開始自己發明出一種怪異的交流方式。這就是Alice和Bob那段讓研究者摸不著頭腦「天書」 ↓↓研究人員觀測到的機器人「Alice」與「Bob」之間的「交流」Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me toBob: you i everything else . . . . . . . . . Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to meBob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . 確實看起來很creepy啊有木有……更令人吃驚的是,這些聊天機器人甚至會使用談判技巧,《大西洋月刊》稱:It has turned out that these bots can be pretty decent negotiators—they even use strategies like feigning interest in something valueless, so that it can later appear to 「compromise」 by conceding it. 這些機器人還是相當老練的談判者——他們甚至會使用策略,如假裝自己對某個無價值的物品特別感興趣,然後再通過放棄該物品進行「妥協」。這驚悚程度已經直逼科幻片了……於是,這些媒體說,Facebook出於對人工智慧可能會「失控」的恐慌,不得不關閉了相關研究項目。在《福布斯》(Forbes)網站刊登的文章中,作者憂心忡忡地說:Our entire world is wired and connected. An artificial intelligence will eventually figure that out – and figure out how to collaborate and cooperate with other AI systems. 我們整個世界都是相連的。任何一個人工智慧也終將認識到這一點,並找到如何同其他人工智慧系統聯繫合作的方法。Maybe the AI will determine that mankind is a threat, or that mankind is an inefficient waste of resources – conclusions that seems plausible from a purely logical perspective.也許人工智慧會認為人類是威脅,或者人類的存在是對資源的浪費——這個論斷純粹從邏輯角度講似乎非常合理。其實,上周,Facebook首席執行官馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和特斯拉首席執行官伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)正因為人工智慧吵得不可開交。馬克·扎克伯格(左)和伊隆·馬斯克(右)當時,馬斯克站在人工智慧的反方,對其發展表示非常擔憂,稱隨著機器越來越聰明,它們會掌控一切(hold our very existence in their hands)。而扎克伯格則站在正方,對人工智慧的前景表示非常看好:Zuck said he was "really optimistic" about AI and that it would deliver innumerable improvements to our lives over the next 5-10 years. He called naysayers like Musk "irresponsible" for speculating about "doomsday scenarios."扎克伯格稱其對人工智慧表示「非常樂觀」,他認為在未來的5-10年內,人工智慧將有助於人類生活方方面面的提升。他表示,包括馬斯克等反對者的「末日論」是「不負責任的」。而現在,自家人工智慧機器人都開始「自說自話」了,難道,扎克伯格就這樣被打臉了嗎?電影《終結者》片段並沒有!在炒了一番「人工智慧機器人開始說人類聽不懂的語言」之後,各大媒體和科技類博客開始闢謠……英國廣播公司(BBC):「駭人聽聞的臉書人工智慧」故事迷惑媒體科技博客Gozmodo:不不不,臉書沒有恐慌,也沒關停聰明到有些危險的機器人美國全國廣播公司財經頻道(CNBC):臉書人工智慧研究員斥責對智能機器人實驗的報道是「不負責任的」。《連線雜誌》:不,臉書的聊天機器人不會顛覆世界的。所以,這難道是一場烏龍?聽雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)給你講個究竟。根據知名科技博客Gizmodo的報道,臉書目前是想要開發一個溝通軟體(negotiation software)。相信Siri一類的聊天軟體大家都知道,臉書的計劃就是差不多的道理,讓機器人帶著「目的」和人或機器人談判。The two bots were designed for the purpose of showing it is 「possible for dialog agents with differing goals to engage in start-to-finish negotiations with other bots or people while arriving at common decisions or outcomes.」設計這兩個機器人是為了檢驗這樣一種可能性:對話機器人可以帶著不同的目的,與其他機器人或人進行完整的談判,並且達成共識。臉書研究人員首先訓練機器人去分研究員給定的東西。比如說,讓機器人分幾個球球、幾個帽子,看機器人怎麼跟另一方談判,達成雙方都同意的結果:The bots discussed with each other how to split an array of given items (represented in the user interface as innocuous objects like books, hats, and balls) into a mutually agreeable split.機器人們互相交流去分給定的東西(比如用戶界面上的書、帽子、球),以達成雙方都認可的分法。訓練方式如下圖,研究人員設定了書,帽子和球三樣東西,並且設定了不同的權重,權重越大,表示越重要,機器人越應該想法留住它。從動圖中的測試結果來看,機器人看起來「智商在線」。它拒絕了實驗者要帽子的請求,而主動要給出書本,因為帽子的權重可是「7」,而書本的權重是「0」。所以說這項實驗實際是非常成功的。臉書的人工智慧研究員也表示,這項實驗證明,臉書研發的人工智慧機器人不僅能說英語,還能智能地思考說什麼(not only can speak English but also think intelligently about what to say)。於是後來,研究員們讓兩個人工智慧機器人開始對話。但他們發現設定上出了點問題:The programmers realized they had made an error by not incentivizing the chatbots to communicate according to human-comprehensible rules of the English language.程序員意識到,他們犯了個錯誤,他們沒有激勵聊天機器人用人類理解的英語進行溝通。「激勵」簡單來說就是告訴機器人,這樣做的分數更高,因此,沒有設定這樣的激勵,機器人說出這些「脫線」的英語也就不奇怪了。雖然看起來非常詭異,但是這其實並沒有什麼特別的意義。我們再回頭來看那段看似詭異的對話……Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . 我能我我所有其他東西……Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to球有0給我給我給我給我給我給我給我給……Bob: you i everything else . . . . . . . . . 你我所有其他東西……Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me球有一個球球給我給我給我給我給我給我……Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . 我我能我我我所有其他東西……球有一個球給我給我給我給我給我給我……這樣看來,他們根本就沒有創造什麼新詞,還是「你」、「我」、「球」……不過是語法有點錯亂。其實他們就是在爭一個球嘛……而且,臉書這一項目只是為了研究,而非面向大眾。後來系統確實被關停,但卻並不是因為可能帶來的威脅。But Facebook's system was being used for research, not public-facing applications, and it was shut down because it was doing something the team wasn't interested in studying - not because they thought they had stumbled on an existential threat to mankind.臉書的這一系統是用來研究,並不是面向大眾的應用。後來項目被關停,是因為團隊對研究不感興趣,而不是因為他們偶然發現系統對人類造成威脅。實際上,這項智能機器人的開發非常困難。臉書即時通訊「Messenger」的研究中,機器人無法正確回應人類70%的訴求。因此,目前看來,是媒體們虛驚一場了。好了,今天的新聞有沒有讓你腦洞大開,想不想看幾部人工智慧相關的電影?其實,這類的文學、影視作品一直層出不窮,有把AI描繪成人類文明毀滅者的,也有展現AI智慧、溫情,與人類和平共處的。下面,雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)就推薦幾部精彩的。機器管家Bicentennial Man (1999)▌簡介The film follows the evolution of the NDR series robot Andrew from his introduction into the Martin family and interaction with them through three generations: discovery of his emotional and creative abilities, development into an artist and inventor, his fight to win legal recognition for his humanity, and ultimate destiny.電影圍繞著型號為NDR的機器人安德魯的進化展開,講述了他來到馬丁家並和馬丁家庭三代人相處的故事。安德魯對自己在情感和創造力方面天賦的發現、成為藝術家和發明家的過程,以及他為自己的人類身份能獲得認可所做的鬥爭,是貫穿電影始末的主線。我,機器人I, Robot (2004)▌簡介In 2035, detective Del Spooner of the Chicago heads the investigation of the suicide of leading robotics scientist, Dr. Alfred Lanning.2035年,芝加哥警探戴爾·史普納前往調查一起自殺案,受害者正是在人工智慧領域的頂尖科學家,阿爾弗萊德·藍寧博士。Unconvinced of the motive, Spooner's investigation into Lanning's death reveals a trail of secrets and agendas within the United States Robotics corporation and suspicions of murder.由於不相信博士是自殺而死,史普納展開了一系列調查並發現了美國機器人研究中心的秘密和真正殺死博士的兇手的陰謀。Little does he know that his investigation would lead to uncovering a larger threat to humanity. 然而史普納不知道的是,他的調查將指向一個對人類更大的威脅。她Her (2013)▌簡介Sensitive letter writer Theodore has just ended his marriage. Lonely, he goes out to buy an artificially intelligent Operating System which promises to provide him with everything he needs.生性敏感的信件撰寫人西奧多剛剛結束了婚姻。孤獨之下,他購買了一款人工智慧操作系統,該系統承諾可以提供給西奧多所需的一切。Samantha, the voice behind his OS, not only does secretarial work for him but also becomes his friend. Their intimate moments soon turn into love and they start an unusual relationship between OS and human.薩曼莎作為系統聲音,不僅幫助西奧多處理日常瑣事,還成為了他的朋友。他們的親密相處讓二人之間迸發出了愛情的火花,並展開了一段人類與機器之間的不同尋常的戀愛。機械姬Ex Machina (2015)▌簡介Caleb Smith, a programmer at a huge Internet company, wins a contest that enables him to spend a week at the private estate of his firm's CEO.迦勒是某知名互聯網企業的程序員,由於贏得公司一項幸運大獎而被邀請在老闆的私人別墅中度過周末。When he arrives, Caleb learns that he has been chosen to be the human component in a Turing test to determine the capabilities and consciousness of Ava, a beautiful robot.當他到達的時候,迦勒才得知他被選為圖靈測試中的人類選手, 用於測定一個美女機器人艾娃的能力和意識。However, it soon becomes evident that Ava is far more self-aware and deceptive than either man imagined.然而,迦勒很快意識到艾娃的自我意識和欺騙性超乎想象。你覺得「AI顛覆人類世界」,是科幻小說家不切實際的杞人憂天,還是會一語成讖的末日預言?編輯:左卓實習編輯:李雪晴實習生:許鳳琪推薦閱讀這句話引得全場掌聲雷動!建軍90周年大會,習近平的一席講話讓人熱血沸騰俄羅斯一個機器人逃跑被抓回,然後又逃跑了,這次它可能要被拆了……

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