3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

We just had another World Meat Free Day, where many people shunned burgers and bolognese for beans and beluga lentils.我們又度過了一個「世界無肉日」,很多人都拒絕了漢堡和奶油沙司,以青豆和白扁豆代之。Reducing your meat consumption is good for the planet, but a new study has confirmed that going veggie can work wonders for your personal health too. 減少肉類消費利於保護地球,而且最新研究還表明吃素食對個人健康也十分有益。Following a vegetarian diet is twice as effective than a carnivorous one when it comes to losing weight, researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC found. 美國華盛頓市責任醫療醫師委員會的研究者們發現,堅持吃素食餐減肥時的效果是吃肉食餐效果的兩倍。 And not only will vegetarians lose weight more effectively, they』ll reduce their muscle fat and thus boost their metabolism too.素食者不僅減肥更有效,吃素食還能減少肌肉里的脂肪,從而促進新陳代謝。According to lead author, Dr. Hana Kahleová, this finding is particularly important for people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. 據首席研究員漢娜·科勒奧娃所說,這一發現對患有代謝綜合症和二型糖尿病的人尤為重要。To reach their conclusions, researchers studied 74 people with type 2 diabetes - they were randomly assigned either a vegetarian diet or a typical anti-diabetic diet, which followed the official recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).為了得出結論,研究者們對74名二型糖尿病患者進行了研究,將參與者隨機分到素食組或典型的抗糖尿病的餐食組,後者的餐食是根據歐洲糖尿病研究協會官方建議制定的。What』s more, the vegetarian diet was practically vegan, as it consisted of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes, with animal products limited to one portion of low-fat yoghurt a day. 另外,素食組是完全嚴格的素食主義餐食,包括水果、蔬菜、堅果、植物種子、穀物和豆類,動物製品每天只有一定量的低脂優格。In order to assess weight loss potential, all participants had their diets restricted to 500 calories a day less than they would need to maintain their weight.為了評估減肥潛力,所有參與者都嚴格遵守每天攝入500卡路里熱量的餐食,比維持現有體重應攝入的熱量低。After six months, those following the vegetarian diet had lost an average of 6.2kg, compared to 3.2kg for those on the conventional diet.六個月後,素食組參與者平均減重6.2kg,相比之下,常規抗糖尿病餐食組參與者平均減重3.2kg。It was a small sample size, but heavily suggests going veggie could make you lose twice as much weight.雖然實驗樣本量小,但是已經足以表明吃素食能讓你2倍速減肥。

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