3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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旅遊英語(ID:aalyte)整與不整,這是個問題今日關鍵詞: Cosmetic surgeon♥每天跟讀一篇美文迅速提升口語流暢度」068.Cosmetic surgeon整形Cosmetic surgeon來自旅遊英語00:0000:55Would you like to change your face and body? Would you like movie star looks? A lot of people want to do this. They pay lots of money to go to a cosmetic surgeon and change their appearance. The most common operation we call a nose job. People who are unhappy with their nose have it reshaped. Other people want their wrinkles to disappear to make themselves look younger. People also go under the knife and have things made bigger or smaller. I think this is a waste of money. I'm not the best-looking person in the world but I would never consider plastic surgery - even if it was free. Some people have so many operations they end up looking like they』re made of plastic. I'd rather stay looking human.你想改變你的臉和身體嗎?你喜歡的電影明星嗎?很多人想做這個。他們花了很多錢去整容,改變容貌。最常見的手術我們稱之為鼻子手術。鼻子不舒服的人重塑了鼻子。其他人希望他們的皺紋消失,使自己看起來更年輕。人們也會下刀把東西做大或變小。我認為這是浪費錢。我不是世界上最漂亮的人,但即使是免費的,我也不會考慮整容手術。有些人做了很多手術,結果看起來像是塑料做的。我寧願看人。Would you like to你想要...嗎?movie star電影明星want to do想要做Other people別人;他人;物;旁人disappear to逃避到go under the knife動手術,開刀接受手術a waste of浪費…in the world世界上,究竟; 世上plastic surgery整形手術整形成功的寶寶們確實很漂亮♥人類最大的挑戰就是如何超越自己生活就應該勇往直前你,想好了嗎?...想要跟老外流暢的交流,也許你更需要系統的學習方法!點原文申請試聽直播學習課了解更多課程詳情!點「閱讀原文」,領取免費直播學習課

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