3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Sacramento, California-based artist Rora Blue, 19, asked strangers to share with her the things that they would really like to say to their first loves, if they had the chance to send a text message without repercussions. She also had them each suggest the color that they thought best represented that person.19歲的加利福尼亞薩克拉門托的藝術家偌拉·布魯,問了問陌生人,如有機會發一封有去無回的簡訊給初戀,他們會寫些什麼。偌拉請陌生人分享他們的簡訊,並且讓他們每個人說一個顏色來代表昔日戀人。The result was the 'Unsent Project', a collection of printed notes in varying hues, each baring the raw and emotional message, which Rora has also arranged into a stunning collage.結果便有了「未嘗發送的項目「,偌拉把不同色彩列印出來的便簽集成一輯,每一張都有飽含情感、原汁原味的信息,偌拉把便簽做成一張絢麗奪目的拼貼。To Ryan,I could handle the way you kissed her and the way you talked about her but I fucking lost it when I saw the way you looked at her.給瑞恩:你親吻她的時候,我能控制自己;你談論她的時候,我一樣可以裝作不在乎;但是當我看到你看她的樣子,我徹底慌了!To everyone,Your first love should be yourself and not some silly person because your well being is more important.給每個人:你的初戀必須是你自己,而不是那些蠢蛋,因為你過得好比什麼都重要!To Michael,Why'd you do that shit to your hair?給邁克爾:你對你頭髮做了什麼?To Nathaniel,I'd shave my legs for you.給納撒尼爾:我為你剃了我的腿毛!To Jay,You used to be my cup of tea. I drink coffe now.給傑伊:你曾經是我喜歡的人,但現在我愛別人了!To Matt,A roller coaster that never stopped.給馬特:雲霄飛車永不停止。無論你現在是單身還是熱戀,都需要增值自己,讓自己變得更好!單身的,能吸引未來更好的TA。熱戀的,能讓你的TA更加愛你!旅遊英語~點閱讀原文獲取免費一對一口語測評!

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