3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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學英語單詞和句子,最好是圖文並茂,生動有趣,深刻記憶。今天學習哥推薦給大家的就是這麼好玩的記單詞句子方法--有圖有字~媽媽再也不用擔心我記不住啦!piece of cake小菜一碟The math test was a piece of cake.數學測試很簡單。to go bananas抓狂,歇斯底里He went bananas.他神經錯亂了。bring home the bacon養家糊口My husband brings home the bacon.我丈夫賺錢養家。have bigger fish to fry另有要事I couldn't attend the meeting, I had bigger fish to fry.我沒有出席會議,因為我有更重要的事。That's the way the cookie crumbles.預料之中like two peas in a pod形影不離,一模一樣They are like two peas in a pod.他們整天膩在一起。as red as a cherry像櫻桃一樣紅Her cheeks were as red as cherry.她的臉紅的像櫻桃。eat like a horse食量大如牛My husband eats like a horse.我丈夫吃得很多。walk on eggshells小心翼翼(不傷害某人)I've been walking on eggshells around my boyfriend.我一直小心翼翼地維護和男朋友的感情。hard nut to crack難以對付的事或人He is a hard nut to crack.他是一個很難相處的人。衣物類cut from the same cloth如出一轍My son and I are cut from the same cloth.我兒子跟我長得如出一轍with a fine-toothed comb嚴密的審查we went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb.我們去了公寓並對它進行了嚴密的審查。fit like a glove完全相合That dress fits you like a glove.這條裙子很適合你。to lose one's shirt失去所有的錢I lost my shirt in a poker game.我在打撲克中輸得精光。roll up one's sleeves準備大幹一場(別問我為啥是一卷衛生紙)It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.是時候準備大幹一場了!have an ace up one's sleeve握有王牌That girl aways has an ace up her sleeve.這個女孩子總是握有王牌。to laugh up one's sleeve偷偷地笑I was laughing up my sleeve during the whole meeting.在整場會議中我都在偷笑。get the boot解僱I got the boot today, I have to find a new job.我被解僱了,我必須找一份新工作。fill someone's shoes頂替他人的位置No one can fill my mother's shoes.沒有人能頂替我媽媽的位置。below the belt不公正的That move was below the belt.這種行為是不公正的。as quiet as a mouse非常安靜Don't wake them up! Be as quiet as a mouse.不要把他們吵醒了!安靜一點。as blind as a bat看不見,瞎的,也可以用來調笑某人視力不好Without glasses she's as blind as a bat.沒戴眼鏡她什麼也看不見。as stubborn as a mule頑固I can't convince you to anything, you're as stubborn as a mule.我沒法跟你說,你犟得像頭牛。as busy as a bee超級忙碌She never has free time anymore, she's as busy as a bee with work.她一點空閑時間都沒有,工作忙得像蜜蜂。as red as a lobster通紅Whenever he gets mad, he becomes as red as a lobster.他生氣的時候,臉紅地像條龍蝦。as ugly as a toad丑That girl is as ugly as a toad.那個女孩長得很醜。as free as a bird自由自在Travelling makes you feel as free as a bird.旅行會讓你感覺自由自在。as silly as a goose笨You're being as silly as a goose.你笨得像鵝一樣。as wise as an owl聰明I always listen to my father, he's as wise as an owl.我總是聽爸爸的話,他很機智。as mad as a hornet生氣,抓狂I'm so angry! I'm as mad as a hornet.我太氣了!像大黃蜂一樣抓狂。由於篇幅問題,今天的分享就到這裡了,添加:xuexi018,朋友圈查看更多關於孩子教育,學習方法,學習資料的文章。

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