3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

當我們看到describe an occasion when you received a good service from a restaurant or shop這道雅思口語題目的時候,是不是眼前浮現出了某位服務員親切甜美的笑容和溫柔悅耳嗓音!對了!要的就是這個!無論是飯店裡的waiter、waitress還是商店裡的shop assistant,就照著服務業年度最佳員工的標準來描寫一下就行了!什麼greet all the guests warmly或者greet all the guests with a big warm smile,或者日本典型的打招呼方式bow to the guests都得整上去! 至於這個故事背景,推薦大家準備雅思口語話題時候搞個國外的跟咱們語言有障礙的「服務員」來講,因為這樣好加戲呀!溝通有障礙對方還能耐心的聽我們講給我們解釋,這才能凸顯出服務態度好啊! 下面選取一個大家都會比較熟悉的發生在飯店的故事來講講: This topic reminds me of the time when I was dining out in a restaurant in Thailand where I met this nice waitress who left a deep impression on me. It was about 3 years ago, my family took a trip to Thailand, and um… we were taking a stroll along the beach, and we felt a little hungry so we decided to grab a bite to eat in the nearby restaurant. We randomly picked one 『cause, to be honest, they all looked alike in terms of decoration and menus, but it turned out we made the right choice. The minute we stepped in, we were warmly welcomed by the hospitable waiters. And the waitress who waited on us was absolutely the politest one I』d ever seen. Usually when I order in a foreign restaurant, I just point at the pictures on the menu. Unfortunately, there were no pictures on the menu she gave us. All I could see were names of the dishes and lists of ingredients. Back then, my vocabulary was not big enough to cover all that, so she had to explain what』s in every dish. And the thing is, her English was not that good and she talked with a funny accent that made it harder for me to understand, but she was so patient and the whole time she had this sweet smile on her face. In the end, she managed to recommend their specialty to us, which is called… well I can』t remember the name exactly, it』s a local dish with stir fried rice and chicken meat, which is out of this world! So I have to say, we had a wonderful dining experience in that restaurant. 語言點解析: 1. dine out = to eat dinner in a restaurant or somebody else』s home. 反正不是在自己家吃,就是dine out。 2. this When you tell stories, we can use this and these to highlight important people, things and events. 所以這裡this不表示「這個」,而是表示強調作用。 3. take a stroll stroll表示a slow relaxed walk,所以take a stroll可以用來替換take a walk. 4. grab a bite to eat表示「隨便吃口飯」。因為grab的意思是to have or take something quickly, especially because you are in a hurry. 所以如果要正經的吃個大餐,不要用grab a bite to eat. 5. specialty或者speciality表示a type of food or product that a restaurant or place is famous for because it is so good,也就是「招牌菜」。我們在飯店也會常常聽到special,它的意思是something that is not usually available but is provided for a particular purpose or on one occasion,所以這個可以表示「特色菜」,例如:The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from. 6. out of this world is used to emphasize how good, beautiful, etc. something is. 在形容吃的東西的時候很加分哦,例如:The meal was out of this world. 作者簡介:朱博,新東方吉林學校雅思口語美女講師,畢業於985院校大連理工大學,碩士保送一等獎學金。在校期間曾遊學美國,任出版社英語出版中心校對四年,工作嚴謹,活潑開朗,讓大家快樂的學習英語。

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