3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

I-MAGAZINE FASHION FACE AWARD YEAR 2016 - ASIAN MALE英國I-Magazine雜誌2016時尚面孔榮譽 — 亞洲男星I-MAGAZINE FASHION FACE AWARD YEAR 2016 - ASIAN FEMALE英國I-Magazine雜誌2016時尚面孔榮譽 — 亞洲女星How was the rank made?排名是如何得來的呢?For year 2016, I-magazine Inc. in partnership with Adobe Behance's artists to select our best fashion face in a whole new way.近日,英國I-Magazine有限責任公司聯手著名設計社區Adobe Behances的藝術家們,以一種全新方式為我們挑選出2016最時尚面孔。With over 40 countries, 380 professional photographers, designers, makeup artists, stylists, editors and I-magazine in-house team in United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China & South Korea, we voted for the Top Fashion Faces in 6categories from over 35,000 photos and videos.來自40餘國的380位專業攝影師、設計師、化妝師、造型師、編輯以及I-Magazine在英國、香港、大陸和韓國的內部團隊成員,從超過3萬5千張照片和視頻里,投票選出了6類不同類別的「最時尚面孔」名單。I-M team have been spending 3 months for preparing the categories while finalizing the lists for the Fashion Face Of The Year, as what it really means to be one of the most influential awards in the industry.據悉,I-M團隊此次評選歷時三個月,期間一面著手準備不同類別的名單,一面最終確定「年度最時尚面孔」人選,可謂向著「業內最權威獎項」之一卯足勁頭衝擊。Adobe® New Technology as face-aware liquify is just scratching the surface of what advanced imaging technology will allow artists, photographers and filmmakers to do over the next few years.隨著Adobe不斷推出新技術,比如PS的新功能 —「臉部感知液化」(可瘦臉塑形),藝術家、攝影師和製片人們逐漸嘗到了先進成像技術的甜頭。In a new way, the technological innovations are driven by what the judges to analysis the award's winners in 2016, that reached where the algorithms automatically understand every images and videos and offering us an unique way for appraising online.新的評選方式下,科技創新服務於對2016年獲獎選手的分析與判斷,它的運演算法則使之能自動識別圖片和視頻,為我們提供了一種前所未有的在線評比方式。

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