3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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1. Effective Communication 1. 有效的溝通Communication is the real work of leadership. It』s a fundamental element of how leaders accomplish their goals each and every day.溝通是領導之要務,是領導者達成目標之基礎。2. Courage 2. 勇氣People will wait to see if a leader is courageous before they』re willing to follow his or her lead. People need courage in their leaders. They need someone who can make difficult decisions and watch over the good of the group. They need a leader who will stay the course when things get tough. 當人們發現領導者有勇氣時,才會願意服從領導。人們需要有勇氣的領導者,需要能果斷做出決定、照看全隊的領導者,需要能在遇到困難時引領航向的領導者。3. Adherence to the Golden Rule +1 3. 堅持「黃金法則+1」原則The Golden Rule – treat others as you want to be treated – assumes that all people are the same. Great leaders don』t treat people how they themselves want to be treated. Instead, they take the Golden Rule a step further and treat each person as he or she would like to be treated.「黃金法則」認為人皆相同,主張推己及人。優秀的領導者不會以自己想得到的方式去對待他人,相反,他們會把「黃金法則」更進一步,揣度每人之所想,以他人想要的方式待人。4. Self-Awareness 4. 自我認知Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence, a skill that 90% of top performing leaders possess in abundance.自我認知是情商的基石,90%的優秀領導者均具備良好的自我認知能力。5. Passion 5. 熱情Great leaders are passionate about what they do, and they strive to share that passion with everyone around them.優秀的領導者對自己所做的事充滿熱情,而且會努力把這份熱情傳遞給身邊的每一個人。6. Humility 6. 謙遜Great leaders are humble. They don』t allow their position of authority to make them feel that they are better than anyone else.優秀的領導者都懂得謙遜,不會讓自己的領導權威讓他人感到自己高人一等。7. Generosity 7. 慷慨Great leaders are generous. They share credit and offer enthusiastic praise.優秀的領導者都十分慷慨。他們分享功勞,從來不吝嗇給予下屬熱情褒獎。They want to inspire all of their employees to achieve their personal best – not just because it will make the team more successful, but because they care about each person as an individual.他們想要鼓勵所有員工做到最好,這並不僅僅是為了團隊更加成功,更是出於他們對團隊里每個人的關心。8. Infectiousness 8. 感染力Great leaders know that having a clear vision isn』t enough. You have to make that vision come alive so that your followers can see it just as clearly as you do.優秀的領導者明白自己擁有清晰的願景遠遠不夠,你還需要讓願景變得生動,讓你的追隨者們也能像你一樣把它看得清清楚楚、明明白白。9. Authenticity 9. 真實Authenticity refers to being honest in all things – not just what you say and do, but who you are. Leaders who are authentic are transparent and forthcoming.真實是指在所有事情中都保持誠實——不僅是你的言行,更是你這個人。They aren』t perfect, but they earn people』s respect by walking their talk.真實的領導者透明、坦率,他們不完美,但能夠言出必行,贏得人們的尊重。10. Approachability 10. 平易近人Great leaders make it clear that they welcome challenges, criticism, and viewpoints other than their own.優秀的領導者會表明他們接受挑戰、歡迎批評以及不同的觀點。11. Accountability 11. 可靠Great leaders have their followers』 backs. They don』t try to shift blame, and they don』t avoid shame when they fail.優秀的領導者會一路支持自己的追隨者,他們不會將失敗歸咎於他人,也不會逃避羞愧。12. A Sense of Purpose 12. 目標意識Whereas vision is a clear idea of where you』re going, a sense of purpose refers to an understanding of why you』re going there.願景能為你指引方向,目標意識則是指對你出於何種原因選擇這個方向的理解。 People like to feel like they』re part of something bigger than themselves. Great leaders give people that feeling.人們通常會感覺自己的作用重大,優秀的領導者會讓下屬感受到這一點。

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