3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

劉亦菲和楊洋主演的電影《三生三世十里桃花》終於上映,卻迎來了各種吐槽,不過這也無法阻礙票房的一路攀升。高顏值一直是「神仙姐姐」劉亦菲不爭的賣點。讓她來飾演「四海八荒第一美人」簡直就是眾望所歸。由她扮演的英姿煞爽又仙氣十足的青丘白淺,你打多少分呢?還記得三生三生的神翻譯嗎?「三生三世,十里桃花」Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms累世情緣,誰撿起,誰拋下,誰忘前塵,誰總牽挂。憶當時年華,誰點相思,誰種桃花。This fated love of forever and a day—Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away?Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay?Those days bygone and labyrinthine—Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine?Who was in the peach orchard, raising flowers divine?四海八荒,總是會有一個人,一定會有這麼一個人,他會把你的名字叫得婉轉溫柔,蕩氣迴腸。In the vast universe (Four Seas and Eight Deserts), there will—there must—be someone who, when he calls your name, gives it such delight, such tenderness, such soul-stirring pathos.光暈一層一層,打出斑駁的印記。桃林十里,嬌爛漫紅,千朵濃芳,一枝枝綴亂雲霞。那煙霞底下立著的玄衣青年,眉如潑墨,鬢若刀裁。Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife.劉亦菲可不止是人美,她的英語水平也是槓桿的。最近,劉亦菲全英文朗讀英文書籍!朗誦的是劍橋大學導師埃克哈特·托利所作的 《Stillness Speaks》(《無聲勝有聲》)一書里的片段。埃克哈特·托利不傾向於任何一種宗教或傳統。在他的教學當中,他用一種簡單明了的語言傳達了古代心靈導師的簡單而深刻的信息:我們可以擺脫痛苦並進入內心的平和世界。

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