3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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120來自何凱文考研英語00:0005:54南京大豪雨,機場航班大面積延誤,臨時決定坐高鐵去青島,再從青島開車去日照。趕第二天早上八點的課。估計到日照就是半夜3點了。這一個禮拜就沒有在兩點前睡過。自己都有點心疼自己了。但仔細一想,這一年到頭不一直都是這樣嗎。我就是勞模:社會我K哥啊!還是不要矯情的好。路都是自己選的,累了就咬咬牙挺住就好。但是你得知道沒有人的成功是隨隨便便的。昨天的句子說了學生在道德上的欠佳判斷,今天來看看各大學不那麼光明的競爭手段。英國廣告監管部門廣告標準局(ASA)4月收到對雷丁大學(University of Reading)舉報,指責該大學在市場宣傳中不實陳述、誤導學生,稱其無任何證據證明(could not be substantiated)自己是世界排名前1%的學府。廣告標準局就該事宜聯繫雷丁大學之後,大學表示同意在所有網站和宣傳材料中去掉相關內容(remove the claim),無需展開進一步的全面調查。該決定在英國大學教育領域引起軒然大波,因為南安普敦大學和貝爾法斯特女王大學等其它機構都在宣傳材料中聲稱自己是世界前1%,故而預期將有更多的大學會受到來自廣告標準局的壓力。今天的句子:The move has sent shockwaves through the university sector, which has become increasingly competitive since the introduction of tuition fees, with UK institutions competing against each other and institutions around the world for students from home and abroad.辭彙突破:1Shockwaves 衝擊波2.Competitive 有競爭力的3.Tuition fee 學費4.Institution 機構5. home and abroad 海內外確定主幹:The move has sent shockwaves through the university sector.切分成分:1.which has become increasingly competitive (since the introduction of tuition fees) 定語從句,括弧里是從句的時間狀語2.with UK institutions competing against each other and institutions around the world for students from home and abroad. 獨立主格= UK institutions compete against each other and institutions around the world for students from home and abroad參考譯文:該舉動在高等教育領域激起千層浪。各大學在引入學費之後變得越來越有競爭力。而英國的大學正與國內外的同行競爭,吸引國內外的學生。明天的句子:And although Hamilton continues to dominate the Great White Way – its astronomical ticket prices have barely dipped since the majority of the original cast left – this year』s ceremony, without a cultural juggernaut to hog all the spoils, opens the door for a slew of wonderful shows to take top honors.明天晚上九點我在一直播等你!

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